Louis Boujard, CFA ...
  • Philippe Ourpatian

EDP Renovaveis : Un 9M 24 en ligne, une guidance 2024 ajustée et de l’incertitude aux USA

>Opinion Neutre et OC ajusté à15.6 € vs 16.5 € - La performance au 9M 24 est ressortie globalement en ligne avec nos attentes. Le groupe a confirmé ses guidance 2024. A ce stade, le groupe a ajusté en baisse de 10% son atterrissage de production 2024 (35TWh à 36 TWh) mais a relevé son prix capturé de 9% à 60 €/MWh. Le groupe a réitéré son objectif d’EBITDA de l’ordre de 1.9 Md€ en 2024 (y compris plus-value de cession) et de l’ordre 400 M€ de résultat net. Toutefois, ...
EDP Renovaveis SA

EDP Renovaveis is a renewable energy company based in Spain. Co. is engaged in activities related to the electricity sector, namely the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of electricity generating power stations, especially hydroelectric, mini-hydroelectric, wind, solar, thermal solar, photovoltaic, biomass and waste plants, among others. Co. designs, develops, manages and operates power plants. Co. generates electricity using renewable energy sources mostly wind energy. Co. owns EDP Renewables Europe that operates in several European countries and Horizon Wind Energy, which operates in the United States. Co. is a part of the Energias de Portugal group.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Louis Boujard, CFA

Philippe Ourpatian

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Matthias Desmarais
  • Matthias Desmarais

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