Olfa Taamallah ...
  • Yan Derocles

Figeac Aero : La route pour une marge d’EBITDA d’au moins 16% est toute tracée

>L’exercice 2023-24 démontre que l’objectif de marge de 16% est largement atteignable - En neutralisant les effets des pertes au Mexique et du reliquat d’inflation non compensé par les donneurs d’ordre (respectivement 7.4 M€ et 3.8 M€), Figeac aurait déjà atteint en mars 2024 la marge d’EBITDA cible pour l’exercice mars 2028 de 16%, ce qui démontre l’épaisseur du matelas intégré dans les objectifs. Sur les quatre prochaines années, la société va, en effet, bénéficier ...
Figeac Aero SA

Figeac Aero SA, formerly Figeac Aero SARL, is a France-based company engaged in the manufacture of parts and components for aerospace industry. It offers a range of products and services such as design, manufacture and assembly of subassemblies; manufacture of structural parts, ranging from small fittings to large panels; supply of engine parts, such as vertical lathe, blades, and milling of aluminum and hard materials; and manufacture of precision parts, such as landing gear and thrust inverters. The Company's customer base includes Airbus, Embraer, ATR, Boeing, Bombardier, Eurocopter and Gulfstream, among others. It is a member of the Figeac Aero Group, comprising companies engaged in provision of aerospace-related products and services. It operates through Groupe Sonaca and PECISS, industrial technology services company based in Tunisia.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Olfa Taamallah

Yan Derocles

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