Fatma Agnès Hamdani

LDC : Un CA 2024/25 globalement en ligne avec une bonne progression des volumes. Guidance annuelle maintenue

>Une croissance organique un peu en deca de nos attentes de -3.8% vs -3.3% avec des volumes en hausse de 4.1% vs 3.2%e - Au titre de son T1 2024/25 LDC a publié hier soir un CA de 1517.7M€, quasi stable (+0.2%) et proche de nos attentes de 1524.3M€, intégrant un effet périmètre de 3.2% et un effet de change positif de 0.7%.Sur une base élevée, la baisse en organique du CA ressort légèrement au-dessus de notre prévision à -3.8 % vs -3.3%e en raison d’un effet pri...
Societe LDC Societe Anonyme

Societe LDC SA is a France-based holding company engaged in food processing. The Group provides poultry products, as well as a range of delicatessen food. It has four business lines: Upstream division, which is responsible for branch management; Poultry division, engaged in the poultry, pig and cattle farming, as well as egg production and others; The Delicatessen division, offering ready-to-eat meals and snacks like pizzas, sandwiches, tarts and desserts and International division which focuses on international development with countries specific strategies. It markets its products under various brands, including Le Gaulois, Loue and Traditions d'Asie.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Fatma Agnès Hamdani

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