Hiroyuki Terada ...
  • Julie Boote
  • Pelham Smithers
  • Thao Nguyen

PSA Today 16 Jan: Many moving parts / Nintendo Switch2: when oh when? / Resolution for Hino in US / Inbound tourism: another monthly high – Nikkei 225 +0.33% | ¥$156.11

PSA Today Japan Market Comment by Pelham Smithers, Julie Boote, Thao Nguyen and Hiroyuki Terada
Tags: Fanuc (6954 JT), Keyence (6861 JT), Money Forward (3994 JT), Nissan Motor (7201 JT), Honda Motor (7267 JT), Hino Motors (7205 JT), SoftBank Group (9984 JT), Arm Holdings (ARM US), TSMC (3660 TT), Screen (7735 JT0, Tokyo Electronc (8035 JT), Advantest (6857 JT), Murata (6981 JT), JMDC (4483 JT), Toto (5332 JT), Okuma (6103 JT), Welcia (3141 JT), DMG Mori (6141 JT), Recruit (6098 JT), LY Corp (4689 JT), Nintendo (7974 JT), Take Two (TTWO US), Volkswagen (VOW GR), Toyota Motor (7203 JT), Daimler Truck (DTG GR), Kyoritsu Maintenance (9616 JT), Treasure Factory (3093 JT), Park24 (4666 JT), Sanrio (8136 JT), Kakuyasu Group (7686 JT)
Main Points
 Healthy macro backdrop for market undermined by yen strength
 Nintendo Switch 2 speculation: If not now, when?
 Hino reaches final settlement with US authorities
 Inbound tourists rise +27.6% in Dec
Pelham Smithers Associates Ltd
Pelham Smithers Associates Ltd

Founded in 2009, Pelham Smithers Associates (PSA) provides market intelligence on Asian technology, focusing in particular on Japan. The industries covered by our team of specialists are: consumer electronics, telecomms, pharmaceuticals, internet, electronic parts and materials, automotive technology, retail and capital goods. 

PSA produces both company and sector reports. The focus of PSA’s research is to identify winners and losers as new technologies impact the top and bottom lines of corporations. Critical to our research is the clear explanation of how these new technologies work and how they impact companies and industries. 

The founding partners have worked closely together for twenty years and the team has more than doubled in size since 2012. 

Hiroyuki Terada

Julie Boote

Pelham Smithers

Thao Nguyen

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