Joel Scheiman ...
  • Julie Boote
  • Lindsay Whipp
  • Pelham Smithers

PSA Today 21 Jan: 39,000 regained as Trump puts some tariffs on hold / "High expectations" earnings season / Mitsubishi & Sumitomo Chemical's pharma / NRI FY24 Q3 preview – Nikkei 225 +0.32% | ¥$155.52

PSA Today Japan Market Comment by Pelham Smithers, Julie Boote, Joel Scheiman and Lindsay Whipp
Tags: Disco (6146 JT), Lasertec (6920 JT), Socionext (6526 JT), Renesas (6723 JT), TSMC (2330 TT), Mitsubishi Chemical (4188 JT), Sumitomo Pharma (4506 JT), Sumitomo Chemical (4005 JT), Nintendo (7974 JT), Koei Tecmo (3635 JT), Bandai Namco (7832 JT), Tamura (6768 JT), SWCC (5805 JT), Cosel (6905 JT), Asahi Holdings (2502 JT), Coca Cola Bottlers (2579 JT), Fukuoka Financial (8354 JT), Kyoto Financial (5844 JT), Ceres (3696 JT), Monex (8698 JT), Toyota Motor (7203 JT), Nissan Motor (7201 JT), Honda Motor (7267 JT), Mazda Motor (7261 JT), Sony (6758 JT), Canon (7751 JT), Chugai Pharmaceutical (4519 JT), Nidec (6594 JT), Tokyo Steel (5423 JT), Koa (6999 JT), Advantest (6857 JT), Shin-Etsu Chemical (4063 JT), Nomura Research Institute (4307 JT)
Main Points
 Nikkei 225 regains 39,000 as Trump puts some tariffs on hold
 Japan’s “high expectations” earnings season commences
 Mitsubishi & Sumitomo Chemical and their pharma subsidiaries
 NRI: FY24 Q3 preview
Pelham Smithers Associates Ltd
Pelham Smithers Associates Ltd

Founded in 2009, Pelham Smithers Associates (PSA) provides market intelligence on Asian technology, focusing in particular on Japan. The industries covered by our team of specialists are: consumer electronics, telecomms, pharmaceuticals, internet, electronic parts and materials, automotive technology, retail and capital goods. 

PSA produces both company and sector reports. The focus of PSA’s research is to identify winners and losers as new technologies impact the top and bottom lines of corporations. Critical to our research is the clear explanation of how these new technologies work and how they impact companies and industries. 

The founding partners have worked closely together for twenty years and the team has more than doubled in size since 2012. 

Joel Scheiman

Julie Boote

Lindsay Whipp

Pelham Smithers

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