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El Ibex perderá hoy los 9.000 puntos
Las bolsas europeas cerraron el viernes con una jornada de fuertes pérdidas (> al -1,5%) que revirtieron las ligeras ganancias de la semana (caídas superiores al -1,0% a excepción del CAC y el SMI suizo). Viernes negro que coincidió en Europa con los vencimientos trimestrales de futuros y opciones y en EE.UU. con unas declaraciones del Presidente de la Fed de San Luis, James Bullard que reconoció que el último mensaje de la Fed fue más agresivo porque así lo requerían los niveles de inflación por encima de lo esperado. En el Euro STOXX los mejores sectores de la semana fueron S. Financieros, B. de Consumo y Retail frente a R. Básicos y Autos que fueron los que peor comportamiento relativo mostraron. En China, el PBoC dejó inalterados los tipos de referencia de préstamos a 1 5 años en el 3,85% y 4,65% respectivamente. En Corea del Sur las exportaciones de los primeros 20 día de junio moderaron su ritmo de avance hasta el 29,5% frente al 45,6% de mayo confirmando que el mayor efecto base lo hemos dejado atrás. En cuanto al Covid-19 la variante Delta es ya la dominante en Portugal y se han encontrado clústeres en Alemania, España y Francia.
Qué esperamos para hoy
Las bolsas europeas abrirían con caídas cercanas al -1,0% donde el aplanamiento de la curva seguirá lastrando al sector financiero y al value en general. En estos momentos, los futuros del S&P cotizan con caídas del -0,43% (el S&P 500 terminó con recortes del -0,43% con respecto al nivel al que estaba al cierre de las bolsas europeas). La volatilidad en EE.UU. subió (VIX 20,70). Los mercados asiáticos cotizan con caídas (CSI 300 chino -0,5%, Nikkei de Japón -3,7%).
Hoy el índice de actividad de la Fed de Chicago de mayo. En subastas: Alemania (6.000 M euros en letras a 6 y 12 meses) y Holanda (2.000 M euros en letras a 3 y 9 meses).
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A.

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria is an international financial group, engaged primarily on providing banking services and consumer finance to private individuals and businesses in Spain and Portugal; providing real estate activity in Spain; providing services to international companies and investment banking, capital markets and treasury management services to clients; and providing the banking, insurance and pension businesses in Mexico and the U.S., as well as in South America.

Construcciones Y Auxiliar De Ferrocarriles, S.A.

Euskaltel SA

Euskaltel SA is a Spain-based company engaged in the provision of integrated telecommunication services. The Company's activities are divided into three segments: Residential, Business, as well as Wholesale and Other. The Residential segment provides fixed and mobile telecommunication services, broadband and wireless Internet, as well as digital television (TV) as a single service and in packages. The Business division primarily offers fixed and mobile telephony, as well as Internet access for enterprises. The Wholesale and Other area serves wholesale customers and is responsible for the delivery of communication services, such as infrastructure leasing, information technology (IT) outsourcing, as well as sell of installation material and electronics. The Company operates in the Basque Country, Spain.

Sacyr S.A.

Sacyr is the parent company of a group engaged in the acquisition, development and construction of urban properties for their subsequent rental or resale. Co. primarily leases and sells office buildings and complexes, housing units, and shopping centers. Co. is also engaged in the operation of urban car parking facilities. Co. offers services related to the real estate industry such as technical assistance in energy savings, inventory management, architectural design, telecommunications management, property maintenance, as well as gardening and landscaping. Co. also provides consulting services in the real estate fund management sector.

Vivendi SE

Vivendi is an audiovisual group active in the entertainment industry with activities in music, TV, cinema, mobile, fixed and internet, and games. Co.'s operations are divided into five businesses: Canal+ Group which produces and distributes pay-TV in France, analog or digital, and is involved in film making; Universal Music Group which sells recorded music (physical and digital media); GVT which serves as a telecommunication operator for fixed ultra high-speed broadband, fixed-line telecommunications and Pay-TV in Brazil; SFR which is engaged in mobile phone services in France, as well as fixed and ADSL services; and Other Activities which involves ticketing, Wengo and Watchever.


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