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Poco volumen en Europa
Jornada de tímidos avances en las bolsas europeas con los mercados de EE.UU. y R. Unido cerrados (Memorial Day y Spring Bank Holiday respectivamente) y con el Ibex cerrando por encima de los 11.300 puntos. Así, en el STOXX 600 todos los sectores salvo Tecnología, Farma y Bancos cerraron con ganancias, lideradas por Utilities y Autos. Por el lado macro, en Alemania el IFO de mayo repitió el registro de abril en contra de lo esperado (el de situación actual cayó inesperadamente y el de expectativa repuntó menos de lo previsto). Por otro lado, el Presidente E. Macron abogó por doblar el presupuesto europeo en inversión y en llevar adelante una estrategia de priorizar la compra de productos europeos en sectores estratégicos.
Qué esperamos para hoy
Las bolsas abrirían con ligeras ganancias del orden del +0,2% y mejor comportamiento del value. En estos momentos, los futuros del S&P 500 cotizan con subidas del +0,12% (el S&P 500 permaneció cerrado ayer). Los mercados asiáticos cotizan con caídas (CSI 300 chino -0,25%, Nikkei de Japón -0,26%).
Hoy en EE.UU. la confianza del consumidor de mayo y los precios de la vivienda de marzo.
Construcciones Y Auxiliar De Ferrocarriles, S.A.

Repsol SA

Repsol is an oil and gas company. Co. is engaged in all the activities relating to the oil and gas industry, including exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas, transportation of oil products, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and natural gas, refining, the production of a wide range of oil products and the retailing of oil products, oil derivatives, petrochemicals, LPG and natural gas, as well as the generation, transportation, distribution and supply of electricity. Co. operates in more than 40 countries. Co.'s operations are divided into four segments: Upstream, Downstream, LNG and Gas Natural Fenosa.

Talgo SA

Talgo is engaged in designing, manufacturing, repairing and maintaining the railway rolling stock, as well as the manufacturing, assembling, repairing and maintaining the engines, machinery and parts of the railway systems. Co. has an industrial presence in seven countries: Spain, Germany, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and U.S.A. Co. has an active fleet in Europe, Asia and North America that comprises of 94 high-speed trains and more than 1,400 Talgo tilting passenger cars. Also, Co. purchases, redesigns, constructs, leases and sells all types of real estate.

Unicaja Banco S.A.

Unicaja Banco SA is a Spain-based financial institution (the Bank) engaged in the banking sector. The Bank offers services to individual and business customers. Its products and services range includes current and savings accounts, debit and credit cards, consumer and commercial loans, real estate credit, securities brokerage, funds management, leasing, factoring, pension plans, life and non-life insurance, international trade financing, money transfer, as well as treasury, among others. The Bank operates a number of branches in Spain and Morocco. The Bank is controlled by Fundacion Bancaria Unicaja.


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