Alisa Zakirova ...
  • Ekaterina Sidorova
  • Igor Rapokhin
  • Olga Sterina
  • Research Team
  • Sergey Kolesnikov, FRM

Долговые рынки сегодня - 11 февраля 2022. АЛРОСА опубликовала данные по продажам за январь; Норникель и ФосАгро представили финансовые результаты за 2021 год

РЫНОК ВНЕШНЕГО ДОЛГА СТРАН СНГРезкое повышение доходности гособлигаций США вчера оказало давление на цены суверенного долга развивающихся рынков. В сегменте 10-летних обязательств российские бумаги выглядели гораздо более устойчивыми, чем аналоги, и подешевели всего на 0,3 п. п. В прочих сегментах суверенных бумаг слабее рынка выглядел выпуск Россия-47 (минус 1,1 п. п.). ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЕ ЦЕННЫЕ БУМАГИНерезиденты вчера более активно продавали ОФЗ, т. к. инфляция в США оказалась выше прогнозов, и доходности гособлигаций США выросли. Однако еще до публикации ИПЦ в США рынок ОФЗ испытывал давление, поскольку в среду Росстат сообщил об ускорении инфляции в России. Доходности ОФЗ выросли на 4-7 б. п. Объем торгов на МосБирже составил 37 млрд руб., основные обороты пришлись на вечер. Гособлигации других развивающихся рынков показали примерно такую же динамику, как ОФЗ: доходности повысились на 4-6 б. п.НОВОСТИ> АЛРОСА опубликовала данные по продажам за январь> Норникель представил финансовые результаты за 2П21 и 2021 год> ФосАгро обнародовала сильную отчетность за 2021 год

AK Alrosa PAO. AK Alrosa PAO (Aktsionernaya kompaniya ALROSA PAO or ALROSA Company PJSC), formerly AK Alrosa OAO, is a Russia-based company which is principally engaged in the exploration, mining, manufacture and sales of diamonds. Its operations include five Integrated Mining and Processing Complexes: Mirny, Udachny, Aikhal, Anabar and Nyurba located in the Sakha Republic; sorting divisions and diamond cutting and polishing division. The Company is a member of variable diamonds associations. It operates through several representative offices, branches and subsidiaries, including Alrosa-Nyurba OAO, Almazy Anabara OAO and Severalmaz OAO.

Mining and Metallurgical Company NORILSK NICKEL (GDR)

MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC

MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC is a global producer of nickel, palladium, platinum and copper. Co. also produces by-products, such as cobalt, chromium, rhodium, silver, gold, iridium, ruthenium, selenium, tellurium and sulfur. Co. is involved in prospecting, exploration, extraction, refining and metallurgical processing of minerals, as well as in production, marketing and sale of base and precious metals. Co.'s production facilities are located in five countries: Russia, Australia, Botswana, Finland, and South Africa. Co.'s production units are integrated and include: the Polar Division (the Taimyr Peninsula); and the Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company (Kola MMC or the Kola Peninsula).

PhosAgro PJSC

PhosAgro is a producer of phosphate-based fertilizers. As of Dec 31 2014, Co. had two segments: Phosphate-based products, which includes mainly production and distribution of ammophos, diammoniumphosphate, sodium tripoly phosphate and other phosphate based and complex (NPK) fertilisers on the factories located in Cherepovets, Balakovo and Volkhov, and production and distribution of apatite concentrate extracted from the apatite-nepheline ore, which is mined and processed in Kirovsk; and Nitrogen-based products,which includes mainly production and distribution of ammonia, ammonium nitrate and urea on the factory located in Cherepovets.

PhosAgro PJSC Sponsored GDR RegS


​Sberbank CIB Investment Research is a research firm offering equity, fixed income, economics, and strategy research. It covers analysis on all aspects of Russia’s capital markets, issues and industries. The firm analyzes trends in Russia and combines local knowledge with a global perspective. It processes macroeconomic data, market and company-specific news, stock quotes and other information for providing research reports. The firm provides details and latest prices on the most traded names and most traded paper on all segments Russian market. In strategy research, it provides thematic research, tips and descriptions of the methodology used to evaluate companies.

Alisa Zakirova

Ekaterina Sidorova

Igor Rapokhin

Olga Sterina

Research Team

Sergey Kolesnikov, FRM

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