Synopsys is a supplier of electronic design automation (EDA) software that engineers use to design and test integrated circuits. The company also provides semiconductor intellectual property products, which are pre-designed circuits that engineers use as components of larger chip designs rather than designing those circuits themselves. The company provides software and hardware used to validate the electronic systems that incorporate chips and the software that runs on them. The company is also a provider of software tools and services that improve the security and quality of software code in a variety of industries, including electronics, financial services, media, automotive, medicine, energy and industrials.
theScreener is the market leader for independent valuations of financial securities, equities, sectors and markets, and new funds. theScreener's ratings, analyses are used by leading banks, asset managers and financial portals. Approximately 10,000 workstations benefit from theScreener's services, with over millions of customer accounts actively analysed.
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