
Analyst Pin-board Banking sector – The continuous pressure motivates an accommodative intervention

  • The liquidity position continued the previous abundant status for VND. On the other hand, the tension on USD liquidity intensified due to the Fed’s decision, the SBV’s target to support the economy and the persistent trend of USD outflow.
  • The highly negative USDVND rate gap put pressure on the exchange rate which had moved sideways before rising steadily recently. The SBV has started doing outright bill sales with short-dated term, substantial amount and auctioned interest rate. It is probable that this intervention is to withdraw VND and propel VND interbank rates for the short terms, thereby, narrowing the swap rate gap, monitoring the pace of exchange rate and relieving the pressure on FX reserves.

USDVND interest rate differentials deepened due to Fed’s rate hike

The VND interbank interest rate remained low last week for overnight and one-week terms, where most of the interbank transactions occurred. Balance of the banking system on Citad account was maintained at historical high, over VND 400 trillion. Deposit balance of the State Treasury at the state-owned banks was about VND 110 trillion, continuing to support the VND liquidity. In addition, the State Treasury bought USD 75 million from commercial banks last week, equivalent to about VND 1,741 billion injected into the banking system.

Credit to the economy maintained its momentum, reaching 8.2% YTD as of June 10 compared to 7.6% as of May 23. Large banks were reported to approach the credit growth quota, thereby, limiting the pace. On the funding side, deposits expanded at a slow pace also, which might be attributed partially to the USD outflow. Deposit growth was 3.8% YTD as of June 10, only 0.3% higher than that of May 23. Deposits in foreign currencies were the negative factor by dropping 2.3% YTD, deteriorating from the -0.1% decline as of May 23.

Those factors contributed to a stably low VND interbank rate level. The abundant liquidity also led to well-controlled bond yields in the circumstance of global rate hikes and high success rate for government bond auction. On June 15, most of the bonds were successfully issued except for the 20-year bonds. This contradicts to the situation in the end of 1Q22 when the success rates were low and the auctions were considered failed for many terms. The winning yields for the 10-year and 15-year terms both increased by three bps compared to the last auction. Given the decline in the costs of borrowings on Market 2, the demand for bonds was supported. On the secondary market, bond yields did increase at a moderate pace (6-18 bps) due to the Fed’s rate hike

Viet Dragon Securities
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Son Tran

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