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Raiffeisen Research Institutional Equity Daily 24.05.2022

CZ: CEZ - CEZ not to bid for RWE's storage assets in Czechia, press (neutral) PL: PKO BP - 9% wage hike offered to half of staff (neutral) RU: Polyus - New shareholder may add its representative to the board (neutral) RU: Tatneft - Proposed final DPS revealed weaker than expected payout for 2021 (negative)

Andrey Gromadin ... (+8)
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Ekaterina Usanova
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Mikhail Krasnoperov
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - March 16, 2022

MARKET COMMENT - POLYMETAL TUMBLES 33% AS FTSE EXCLUSION FURTHERS RUSSIA'S ISOLATION FROM GLOBAL MARKETSMoscow equity trading remains closed by the CBR. Among the only instruments still trading, Polymetal's London listing fell 33%, while FTSE announced the exclusion of the shares from its indexes, eliminating one of the last examples of Russia being included in global markets. STORIES> Oil and gas: Not benefiting much from strong Brent, but gaining from weak ruble> Tatneft: Moderate miss in 4Q2...

Andrey Gromadin ... (+11)
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Chernyshev
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Ekaterina Usanova
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Mikhail Krasnoperov
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - 16 марта 2022

КОММЕНТАРИЙ И ПРОГНОЗ - АКЦИИ ПОЛИМЕТАЛЛА УПАЛИ В ЦЕНЕ НА 33% ПОСЛЕ ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЯ ИЗ ИНДЕКСОВ FTSEТорги акциями на Московской бирже по-прежнему не проводятся по решению ЦБ РФ. Бумаги Полиметалла с листингом в Лондоне - один из немногих российских инструментов, остававшийся на глобальных рынках, - упали в цене на 33% после того, как FTSE объявила об их исключении из своих индексов. Рубль торгуется около 105-110 за доллар. НОВОСТИ> Цены на нефть под давлением перед публикацией ежемесячного отчета МЭА...

Anton Stroutchenevski ... (+6)
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - March 14, 2022

MARKET COMMENT - MOSCOW EQUITIES TO BE CLOSED ANOTHER WEEK WHILE VALUE STOCKS OUTPERFORMThe CBR has announced that equity trading will be closed another week. Possible negotiations between Russia and Ukraine are the focal point for Russia investors this week, while main themes elsewhere include resumed rotation to value stocks and above $100/bbl oil prices, all of which would be benefiting Russia in a normal market environment, but not this one.STORIES> Government allocates R1 trln to support th...

Anton Chernyshev ... (+7)
  • Anton Chernyshev
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - 14 марта 2022

КОММЕНТАРИЙ И ПРОГНОЗ - ТОРГИ В МОСКВЕ НЕ БУДУТ ПРОВОДИТЬСЯ ЕЩЕ НЕДЕЛЮ; НА ГЛОБАЛЬНОМ РЫНКЕ ОПЕРЕЖАЮЩУЮ ДИНАМИКУ ПОКАЗЫВАЮТ АКЦИИ СТОИМОСТИЦБ РФ принял решение еще неделю не возобновлять торги на МосБирже в секции фондового рынка. На текущей неделе в центре внимания будут возможные переговоры между Россией и Украиной. НОВОСТИ> Правительство выделило 1 трлн руб. на поддержку экономики> Нефтяные котировки консолидировались около минимумов прошлой недели в преддверии многочисленных событий на этой ...

Maureen Schuller ... (+2)
  • Maureen Schuller
  • Suvi Platerink Kosonen

Bank Pulse: Closures of European subsidiaries of Russian banks may lea...

Closures of European bank subsidiaries of Russian banks may result in payout events for European Deposit Guarantee Schemes. As these schemes are accrued by local banks, payout events are likely to lead to higher costs for banks in the country

Research Team
  • Research Team

WOOD Flash – Russian coverage universe: under review

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to unprecedented dislocations of capital and resources, on top of human tragedies. The sanctions imposed, by the world’s key nations, on Russia, its politicians, institutions, companies and businessmen, as well as the counter-measures introduced by the Russian government, are wide-ranging and continue to be imposed on a daily basis. The most severe sanctions are related to the freezing of the CBR’s FX reserves, as well as the freezing of non-residents’ assets...

Andrew Keeley ... (+2)
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Arthur Cherkesov

VTB - Suspension of Coverage

Due to the introduction of blocking sanctions, we are suspending coverage of VTB and withdrawing our estimates, target price and recommendation.

Andrew Keeley ... (+10)
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Arthur Cherkesov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - February 28, 2022

MARKET COMMENT - NONRESIDENT SECURITY SALES FROZEN; POSSIBLE RUSSIA-UKRAINE NEGOTIATIONS IN FOCUSThe RTS finished the week with a 33% decline to 937 and valuations at levels not seen since 2008 or earlier. This morning, the CBR froze security sales for nonresidents and delayed the opening of stock trading until at least 13:00 Moscow time. Negotiations scheduled between Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are the obvious focal point for markets, as well as any other news flow on market restrictions or sa...

Andrew Keeley ... (+10)
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Arthur Cherkesov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - 28 февраля 2022

КОММЕНТАРИЙ И ПРОГНОЗ - ЗАПРЕТ ДЛЯ НЕРЕЗИДЕНТОВ НА ПРОДАЖУ РОССИЙСКИХ ЦЕННЫХ БУМАГ; В ЦЕНТРЕ ВНИМАНИЯ ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ МЕЖДУ УКРАИНОЙ И РОССИЕЙИндекс РТС по итогам прошлой недели упал на 33% до 937 пунктов, рыночные оценки достигли уровней, которые не наблюдались как минимум с 2008 года. Сегодня утром Банк России ввел запрет для нерезидентов на продажу российских ценных бумаг и отложил начало торгов на рынке акций до 15:00 мск. В центре внимания сейчас, конечно, переговоры между Россией и Украиной, а ...

A double requalification allows JSC VTB BANK to improve to Slightly Po...

JSC VTB BANK (RU), a company active in the Money Center Banks industry, has received a double requalification by the independent financial analyst theScreener. Its fundamental valuation is now 1 out of 4 stars while its market behaviour can be considered as defensive. theScreener believes that the gain of a star(s) and an improvement in the market risk perception allows upgrading the general evaluation to Slightly Positive. As of the analysis date February 25, 2022, the closing price was USD 1.0...

Research Team
  • Research Team

WOOD Daily: MOL HB; TRP RO; EME Macro/Strategy; ELPE GA; M RO; TGN RO;...

HEADLINES: • MOL: prices, pumps, and polyol (upgraded to BUY) • TeraPlast: waiting for demand to boost margins (stays HOLD) • EME Macro/Strategy: forecasts revision guidance • Hellenic Petroleum: 4Q21 results - big beat on net income; EUR 0.4 dividend • MedLife: 4Q21 earnings miss on third-party costs and drug distribution NEGATIVE • Transgaz: 4Q21 results - better than expected on higher financial gains • Alro: 4Q21 results - better-than-expected net profit • Conpet: 4Q21 results - close ...

Andrew Keeley ... (+14)
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Arthur Cherkesov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Ekaterina Sidorova
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Igor Rapokhin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Maria Martynova
  • Research Team
  • Sergey Donskoy

CIS Market Daily - February 24, 2022

MARKET COMMENT - MILITARY CONFLICT WITH UKRAINE ERUPTS; RUBLE AND FUTURES DOWN MORE THAN 9%Russia entered a military conflict with Ukraine overnight. Prior to the Moscow Exchange halting trading, RTS futures were down more than 9%, with the median stock having fallen 19%. The ruble has declined more than 9% in interbank trading to its weakest level since 1998. The European Council and G7 are to hold emergency summits today, and US President Joe Biden has promised "severe sanctions." STORIES> Rus...

Andrew Keeley ... (+13)
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Chernyshev
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Arthur Cherkesov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Maria Martynova
  • Research Team
  • Sergey Donskoy

CIS Market Daily - 24 февраля 2022

КОММЕНТАРИЙ И ПРОГНОЗ - ВОЕННЫЙ КОНФЛИКТ В ДОНБАССЕ; КУРС РУБЛЯ И КОТИРОВКИ ФЬЮЧЕРСОВ ТЕРЯЮТ БОЛЕЕ 9%Россия начала специальную военную операцию в Донбассе. До приостановки торгов на Московской бирже индекс РТС успел потерять более 9%, а медианная цена акций опустилась на 19%. Курс рубля снизился более чем на 9%. Европейский совет и страны "большой семерки" проведут сегодня экстренные саммиты, а президент США Джо Байден пообещал "жесткие санкции". НОВОСТИ> На прошлой неделе потребительские цены в...

Anastasia Khakhaeva ... (+10)
  • Anastasia Khakhaeva
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Arthur Cherkesov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Ekaterina Usanova
  • Fedor Kornachev
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Mikhail Krasnoperov
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - February 22, 2022

MARKET COMMENT - RTS PLUNGES, RUSSIA RECOGNIZES DNR AND LNR, EYES ON FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS TODAYThe RTS yesterday fell 13.2% to 1,208. Such a sharp fall had not been seen since 2008, and before that 1999. Yesterday's market collapse coincided with public discussions and the after-market announcement of the Russian government's recognition of the independence of the DNR and LNR. STORIES> RTS declines most since 2008, 1999; DNR/LNR recognition> VTB 4Q21 IFRS review: Modest end to year of ...

Anastasia Khakhaeva ... (+11)
  • Anastasia Khakhaeva
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Anton Chernyshev
  • Arthur Cherkesov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Ekaterina Usanova
  • Fedor Kornachev
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Mikhail Krasnoperov
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - 22 февраля 2022

КОММЕНТАРИЙ И ПРОГНОЗ - СИЛЬНЕЙШЕЕ С 2008 ГОДА СНИЖЕНИЕ ИНДЕКСА РТС СВЯЗАНО С ПРИЗНАНИЕМ РОССИЕЙ НЕЗАВИСИМОСТИ ДНР И ЛНРВчера индекс РТС снизился на 13,2% до 1 208 пунктов. Это самое значительное снижение с 2008 года, а до этого рынок проседал так сильно лишь в 1999 году. Торговый оборот в анализируемых нами бумагах достиг $9,6 млрд. Вчерашний обвал на рынке связан с объявлением о признании российскими властями независимости ДНР и ЛНР. НОВОСТИ> Нефть дорожает на фоне роста напряженности в связи ...


VTB Group reports record annual IFRS profit for 2021

JSC VTB Bank (VTBR) VTB Group reports record annual IFRS profit for 2021 21-Feb-2022 / 22:30 CET/CEST Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. VTB Group reports record annual IFRS profit for 2021 VTB Bank ("VTB" or "the Bank"), the parent company of VTB Group ("the Group"), today publishes its consolidated financial statements for 2021 along with the independent auditor's report. Dmitry Pianov, a member of the Management Board and Chief Financial Officer of VTB Bank, said: "In 2...

Andrew Keeley ... (+12)
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Arthur Cherkesov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Maria Martynova
  • Research Team
  • Sergey Donskoy

CIS Market Daily - February 21, 2022

MARKET COMMENT - GRIM DONBASS HEADLINES, HOPES FOR A PRESIDENTS' SUMMITThe RTS fell 4% on Friday to 1,391 following bearish headlines from southern Russia and eastern Ukraine late in the afternoon. Global markets were also soft, the MSCI ACWI slipping 0.9%. Russia assets are higher early this morning, corresponding with news of a more mixed global environment and hopes for a summit between the Russian and US presidents. STORIES> Sharp escalation in tensions ahead of diplomatic meetings this week...

Andrew Keeley ... (+13)
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Chernyshev
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Arthur Cherkesov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Maria Martynova
  • Research Team
  • Sergey Donskoy

CIS Market Daily - 21 февраля 2022

КОММЕНТАРИЙ И ПРОГНОЗ - ПЕССИМИСТИЧНЫЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ О СИТУАЦИИ НА ДОНБАССЕ, НАДЕЖДЫ НА САММИТ ПРЕЗИДЕНТОВ РФ И СШАИндекс РТС в пятницу упал на 4% до 1 391 пункта после появления к вечеру пессимистичных сообщений о ситуации на востоке Украины. Глобальные рынки также снижались, индекс MSCI ACWI отступил на 0,9%. Сегодня утром российские активы растут в цене на фоне сообщений о неоднозначной ситуации на глобальных рынках и надежд на саммит президентов России и США. НОВОСТИ> ВВП России в 2021 году увел...

Andrey Gromadin ... (+2)
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Konstantin Samarin

Oil and Gas - Strong 4Q21 Results Expected, 1Q22 Outlook Even Brighter

The 4Q21 earnings season is about to kick off starting with Rosneft on Friday, followed by Novatek (February 16) and Gazprom Neft (February 17) next week. Lukoil, Tatneft and Gazprom will report 4Q21 financials in March-April. We expect sector EBITDA to rise again, particularly in the gas segment amid record high European gas prices. Dividend distributions should rise across the sector as well. Based on our estimates for 4Q21, most of the companies should see their full-year financials bounce ba...

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