>Q3 even weaker than feared, 2024 guidance confirmed implying a better Q4 - BMW reported yesterday before trading weak Q3 earnings, below forecasts (auto EBIT -16% vs css), impacted by the braking system recall and the subdued environment in China (details our First Take). The group confirmed its revised 2024 guidance (lowered following the profit warning of 10 September), implying some recovery in Q4 (volumes, mix) on the back of supply chain normalisation. We are le...
>T3 encore plus faible qu’attendu, guidance confirmée impliquant un meilleur T4 - BMW a publié hier avant Bourse des résultats T3 faibles, inférieurs aux attentes (EBIT Auto -16% vs css), impactés par le rappel sur systèmes de freinage et l’environnement morose en Chine (détails dans First Take ici). Le groupe confirme sa nouvelle guidance 2024 (abaissée au moment du profit warning du 10/09), tablant sur une accélération au T4 (volumes, mix) avec la normalisation de ...
Our baseline scenario materialised last night: Donald Trump seems to be on course to win the US presidential election, and the choice of the electorate is unlikely to be challenged. He could end up with a majority in both houses of Congress. US equities will be the first to benefit from this development. In European equities, the biggest winners will be Energy, Media, Metals, Construction & Materials, Financial Services and Insurance. More at risk, however, are the Utilities, Spirits,...
Notre scénario central s’est concrétisé dans la nuit : Donald Trump remporte la présidentielle américaine, et le choix des électeurs ne devrait pas être contesté. Il pourrait disposer d’une majorité dans les deux assemblées. Les actions américaines en seront les premières bénéficiaires. Sur les actions européennes, les secteurs les plus gagnants seront l’Energie, les Médias, les Métaux, Construction & Materials, Financial Services, Insurance. Sont en revanche plus à risque Utilities, ...
>Q3 even weaker than feared on supply chain/China - BMW reported Q3 results that came below expectations (Autos EBIT -16% below consensus).Q3 revenues came in at € 32.4bn, -16% y-o-y, -12% q-o-q, slightly below expectations (company-compiled css at € 33.3bn, ODDO BHF€ 32.8bn) with adj. EBIT at € 1.7bn, -61% y-o-y, -56% q-o-q implying a margin of 5.2%, -600 bps y-o-y, below estimates (css at 5.0%, ODDO BHF 5.6%).Looking at individual business units, Autos ...
>Q3 even weaker than feared on supply chain/China - BMW reported Q3 results that came below expectations (Autos EBIT -16% below consensus).Q3 revenues came in at € 32.4bn, -16% y-o-y, -12% q-o-q, slightly below expectations (company-compiled css at € 33.3bn, ODDO BHF€ 32.8bn) with adj. EBIT at € 1.7bn, -61% y-o-y, -56% q-o-q implying a margin of 5.2%, -600 bps y-o-y, below estimates (css at 5.0%, ODDO BHF 5.6%).Looking at individual business units, Autos ...
Rdos. 3T'24 vs 3T'23: Ventas: 32.406 M euros (-15,7% vs -11,0% BS(e) y -11,3% consenso); EBIT: 1.696 M euros (-61,0% vs -62,5% BS(e) y -63,4% consenso); Rdos. 9meses'24 vs 9meses'23: Ventas: 105.964 M euros (-5,8% vs -4,2% BS(e) y -4,3% consenso); EBIT: 9.627 M euros (-31,6% vs -32,0% BS(e) y -32,3% consenso).
COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: ACCIONA ENERGÍA, SANTANDER. EUROPA: AHOLD DELHAIZE, BMW, SIEMENS, UNICREDIT. Incluido en el informe diario de hoy, y durante toda la campaña de resultados, incorporamos al final una presentación con los resultados destacados en positivo y negativo y previews de Rdos. 3T’24 que se publicarán en España y Europa en los próximos días. Trump gana las elecciones A la espera de conocer el desenlace oficial, todo parece indicar que Trump habría ganado las...
A l’occasion d’un voyage en Chine centré sur la chaîne de valeur automobile, nos échanges nous ont confortés dans notre vision d’un écosystème extrêmement riche et stimulant pour les acteurs locaux, qui devrait renforcer la place prépondérante de la Chine dans l’automobile mondiale. Face à cela, nous ressortons davantage convaincus des risques structurels pesant sur les constructeurs occidentaux dans le pays et estimons que le cycle de révisions en baisse des ambitions ne fait qu...
Our recent visit to China centred around the automotive value chain lent weight to our view regarding a now extremely rich and stimulating ecosystem for local players which is set to strengthen China’s increasingly solid position in the global automotive industry. As such, we are further convinced of the structural risks pressuring foreign OEMs in the country and estimate that the cycle of downward revisions to their Chinese ambitions is only just beginning. We thus maintain our ...
Given that the EV market is not a free market, led by demand and supply, but a distorted market, moved by political intervention in the form of subsidies (or lack of), making EV sales forecasts is very challenging indeed. This is a headache for analysts, but even more so for auto companies with a ten-year planning horizon. In this report, we outline the sales situation for different regions, as well as providing an outlook based on currently available information.
Holcim Europe could ultimately be the most appealing equity story of the Holcim group’s spin-off project. We think that, for the group’s new management, the distribution of an exceptionally high dividend will be the favoured means for a rapid revaluation of Holcim Europe. We estimate it at CHF 2.0-2.2 for a dividend yield of 7-8% at the current price. We think that under the aegis of Miljan Gutovic, the new CEO, a significant refocusing of Holcim Europe’s assets will be implemented i...
Holcim Europe pourrait finalement être « l’equity story » la plus attractive du projet de scission du groupe Holcim. Nous pensons que la distribution d’un dividende exceptionnellement élevé constituera, pour le nouveau management du groupe, le moyen privilégié pour une revalorisation rapide de Holcim Europe. Nous l’estimons entre 2.0 CHF et 2.2 CHF soit un dividende yield de 7/8% au cours actuel. Sous la houlette de Miljan Gutovic, le nouveau CEO, un recentrage important des actifs de...
COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: AEDAS HOMES, INDITEX, SANTANDER, TALGO. EUROPA: BMW, UNICREDIT. Continua la volatilidad Jornada de más a menos en las bolsas europeas, que sin un catalizador claro fueron perdiendo altura hasta terminar con números rojos. Así, la mayoría de sectores del STOXX 600 cerró con pérdidas, lideradas por Autos y Energía (caídas del brent del 4,5%) frente a los defensivos Inmobiliario y Utilities que presentaron el mejor comportamiento. Por el lado macro, en...
>Warning on 2024 guidance due to component issues and China - BMW issued a warning yesterday on its annual guidance, attributed to 1/ technical issues with its braking systems (the "Integrated Braking System" developed by Continental) which will impact H2 deliveries and generate warranty costs ("high-triple digit €M in Q3"), 2/ a persistently muted environment in China.The group is therefore revising its 2024 Auto guidance downwards, now expecting 1/ a “slight de...
>Avertissement sur la guidance 2024 dû à une défaillance technique et à la Chine - BMW a émis hier en séance un avertissement sur sa guidance annuelle, attribué à : 1/ une défaillance dans ses systèmes de freinage (système « Integrated Braking System » développé par Continental) qui va impacter les livraisons du S2 et engendrer des frais de garantie (« high-triple digit M€), 2/ un environnement toujours morose en Chine.Le groupe revoit donc sa guidance Auto 2024 ...
The growing importance of software, which will be further enhanced by SDV, could be even more disruptive to the automotive sector than electrification. In this report, we take a closer look at the main challenges and opportunities of this technological breakthrough, while on the stock market front, the current negative perception of traditional OEMs (discount at historic levels) seems to us to represent an upside risk, provided the latter make progress in terms of execution. Conv...
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