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Bruno Cavalier ... (+3)
  • Bruno Cavalier
  • Thijs Berkelder
  • Thomas Zlowodzki


By calling a snap election in the hope of bringing a majority of voters back to a centrist bloc, Emmanuel Macron has gambled with the Constitution. And he lost. Yesterday's election, marked by a jump in turnout (+20pt vs 2022), confirmed the dominance of the National Rally (RN). There are now two possible scenarios. One is an absolute majority for the RN, enabling it to "conduct the nation's policy"... until a possible dissolution in a year's time. The other is a divided parliament, f...

Bruno Cavalier ... (+3)
  • Bruno Cavalier
  • Thijs Berkelder
  • Thomas Zlowodzki


En provoquant des élections anticipées dans l’espoir de ramener une majorité d’électeurs vers un bloc centriste, Emmanuel Macron a joué avec la Constitution. Il a perdu. L’élection d’hier marquée par un bond de la participation (+20pts vs 2022) a confirmé la domination du Rassemblement National. Deux scénarios subsistent. L’un est une majorité absolue pour le RN lui permettant de "conduire la politique de la nation"… jusqu’à une possible dissolution dans un an. L’autre est une parleme...

Thijs Berkelder
  • Thijs Berkelder

DEME Group : Agreement with Egypt on € 3bn green hydrogen production p...

>HYPORT Gargoub (Egypt) will be DEME’s 2nd large green hydrogen project - DEME has announced the signing of a milestone Cooperation Agreement with the Egyptian Government to establish an industrial-scale green hydrogen production facility in Egypt’s western desert:HYPORT Gargoub is a three-phase project, with the first phase targeting an annual green ammonia production of approximately 320,000 tonnes. It will be located within the industrial zone of the Port of G...

Guy Sips ... (+6)
  • Guy Sips
  • Hilde Van Boxstael
  • Michiel Declercq
  • Thibault Leneeuw
  • Thomas Vranken
  • Wim Lewi
ING Helpdesk
  • ING Helpdesk

Benelux Morning Notes

D'Ieteren: Belron €1bn dividend possibly coming. Fugro: Wind offshore in Japan. Staffing: Belgium May Temp volume at -3.5% YoY despite tougher comps (was -5.1%)


Correction to the press release ‘Bekaert to implement liquidity agreem...

Correction to the press release ‘Bekaert to implement liquidity agreement with Kepler Cheuvreux’ of 25 June 2024 Correction to the press release ‘Bekaert to implement liquidity agreement with Kepler Cheuvreux’ of 25 June 2024 Average closing share price has been corrected. Bekaert announces that it has entered today into a liquidity agreement with Kepler Cheuvreux in relation to its ordinary shares admitted to trading on Euronext Brussels (ISIN Code BE0974258874). This liquidity agreement provides for the purchase and sale of Bekaert shares by Kepler Cheuvreux on the regulated market of ...


Correctie op het persbericht ‘Bekaert gaat liquiditeitsovereenkomst aa...

Correctie op het persbericht ‘Bekaert gaat liquiditeitsovereenkomst aan met Kepler Cheuvreux’ van 25 juni 2024 Correctie op het persbericht ‘Bekaert gaat liquiditeitsovereenkomst aan met Kepler Cheuvreux’ van 25 juni 2024 Gemiddelde slotkoers per aandeel werd gecorrigeerd. Bekaert maakt bekend dat het vandaag een liquiditeitsovereenkomst heeft afgesloten met Kepler Cheuvreux met betrekking tot zijn gewone aandelen die zijn toegelaten tot verhandeling op Euronext Brussels (ISIN-code BE0974258874). Deze overeenkomst voorziet in de aan- en verkoop van Bekaert-aandelen door Kepler Cheuvreux o...


Correction du communiqué de presse “Bekaert met en oeuvre un contrat d...

Correction du communiqué de presse “Bekaert met en oeuvre un contrat de liquidités avec Kepler Cheuvreux” du 25 juin 2024 Correction du communiqué de presse “Bekaert met en oeuvre un contrat de liquidités avec Kepler Cheuvreux” du 25 juin 2024 Le cours de clôture moyen a été corrigé. Bekaert annonce qu’elle a conclu aujourd’hui un accord de liquidités avec Kepler Cheuvreux concernant ses actions ordinaires admises à la négociation sur Euronext Brussels (ISIN Code BE0974258874). Ce contrat prévoit l'achat et la vente par Kepler Cheuvreux d'actions Bekaert sur le marché réglementé d’Eurone...

Nicolas David
  • Nicolas David


Our conviction on the long-term growth potential and opportunities of generative AI is renewed. The enabler sectors (semiconductors, software and IT services) and those that provide the infrastructure (utilities, metals, capital goods and real estate) will be the primary beneficiaries, leading us to make certain target price changes. Among AI ‘user’ sectors (media, healthcare, automotive, banking and insurance, oil services, defence, aerospace and airlines), the effects will doubtless...

Baptiste Salaville ... (+4)
  • Baptiste Salaville
  • Marc Lavaud
  • Nicolas David
  • Philippe Ourpatian


Notre conviction sur le potentiel de croissance LT et d’opportunités de l’IA générative est renforcée. Les secteurs 'enablers' (semiconducteurs, software et IT services) et fournisseurs d’infrastructures (utilities, métaux, biens d'équipements et immobilier) en seront les premiers bénéficiaires, conduisant à certains changements d’OC. Parmi les secteurs ‘utilisateurs’ de l’IA (média, santé, automobile, banque et assurance, services pétroliers, défense, aéronautique et compagnies aérie...

Martijn Den Drijver
  • Martijn Den Drijver

TKH GROUP NV : Smart Connectivity outlook improving materially, mainly...

>Subsea cable factory visit - Yesterday, we visited the ultramodern/innovative Subsea factory in Eemshaven, the most northern port of the Netherlands. The visit included an hour of presentations by CEO van der Lof, the CFO of the Smart Connectivity unit and the director of R&D who clearly outlined why the TKH Subsea cable is attracting so much demand: dry design versus wet design means less chance of issues in the operating phase, easier to recycle and lower cost of m...


Bekaert to implement liquidity agreement with Kepler Cheuvreux

Bekaert to implement liquidity agreement with Kepler Cheuvreux Bekaert to implement liquidity agreement with Kepler Cheuvreux Bekaert announces that it has entered today into a liquidity agreement with Kepler Cheuvreux in relation to its ordinary shares admitted to trading on Euronext Brussels (ISIN Code BE0974258874). This liquidity agreement provides for the purchase and sale of Bekaert shares by Kepler Cheuvreux on the regulated market of Euronext Brussels and with the purpose of supporting the liquidity of the Bekaert shares. Kepler Cheuvreux will be acting on behalf of Bekaert ...


Bekaert met en oeuvre un contrat de liquidités avec Kepler Cheuvreux

Bekaert met en oeuvre un contrat de liquidités avec Kepler Cheuvreux Bekaert met en oeuvre un contrat de liquidités avec Kepler Cheuvreux Bekaert annonce qu’elle a conclu aujourd’hui un accord de liquidités avec Kepler Cheuvreux concernant ses actions ordinaires admises à la négociation sur Euronext Brussels (ISIN Code BE0974258874). Ce contrat prévoit l'achat et la vente par Kepler Cheuvreux d'actions Bekaert sur le marché réglementé d’Euronext Brussels, dans le but de soutenir la liquidité des actions de Bekaert. Kepler Cheuvreux agira au nom et pour le compte de Bekaert dans le cadr...

Lynn Hautekeete ... (+4)
  • Lynn Hautekeete
  • Sharad Kumar S.P
  • Wim Hoste
  • Wim Lewi
Emmanuel Matot ... (+5)
  • Emmanuel Matot
  • Jean-Baptiste Rouphael
  • Jeremy Garnier
  • Marc Lavaud
  • Nicolas Thorez


Dutch real estate companies showed signs of cautious optimism at the recent Provada conference, with logistics and retail favoured. Healthcare shows some positive signs, with limited devaluations. The Dutch government's potential reduction of the Real Estate Transfer Tax and new REIT regime could benefit listed real estate companies active in the country. - ...

Bruno Cavalier ... (+6)
  • Bruno Cavalier
  • Emmanuel Matot
  • Jean-Baptiste Rouphael
  • Jeremy Garnier
  • Marc Lavaud
  • Nicolas Thorez


Dutch real estate companies showed signs of cautious optimism at the recent Provada conference, with logistics and retail favoured. Healthcare shows some positive signs, with limited devaluations. The Dutch government's potential reduction of the Real Estate Transfer Tax and new REIT regime could benefit listed real estate companies active in the country. - ...

Thijs Berkelder
  • Thijs Berkelder

Elia Group : EGM approval for equity raise

>But reiterates: no equity raise in 2024 - On Friday 21 June, Elia Group held an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders) to validate an amendment in the articles of association related to the authorised capital. Because at the initial EGM on 21 May a quorum was reached of 71.39% and 71.29% respectively, not enough for approval, on Friday a second EGM took place to reach the final approval.Amendment company’s object: now also allowed to invest in othe...

Dave Nicoski ... (+2)
  • Dave Nicoski
  • Ross LaDuke

Vermilion Int'l Compass: Global Equity Strategy

Downgrading Europe to Market Weight Not much has changed since our latest Int'l Compass from May 31, 2024 titled "Buy the Pullback." As the title suggested, we were buyers of the pullback in global equities (MSCI ACWI, ACWI ex-US, EAFE, EM, Europe, Japan, Taiwan, etc.) due to important short-term supports holding, combined with ongoing healthy market dynamics. Supports are holding, and our bullish outlook (since early-November 2023) remains intact. Continue to buy dips. Downgrading Europe to M...

Charlotte Vaisse ... (+2)
  • Charlotte Vaisse
  • Philippe Ourpatian

ODDO : PFAS and furious!

PFAS refers to a large group of forever chemicals. Pressure from regulators, investors, consumers and ESG rating agencies is contributing to the materialisation of the reputational risk incurred by companies, first and foremost producers (the chemical companies Arkema, BASF, Solvay) and, to a lesser extent, some past users of regulated PFAS (SGO and SEB for PFOA). In contrast, we have identified eight stocks in our coverage for which PFAS decontamination constitutes an opportunit...

Charlotte Vaisse ... (+2)
  • Charlotte Vaisse
  • Philippe Ourpatian

ODDO : PFAS and furious !

Les PFAS, désignent une famille nombreuse de polluants éternels. La pression des régulateurs, investisseurs, consommateurs et des agences de notations ESG participe à la matérialisation du risque réputationnel encouru par les sociétés, au premier rang desquels figurent les producteurs (les chimistes Arkema, BASF, Solvay) et dans une moindre mesure, certains utilisateurs passés de PFAS réglementés (SGO et SEB pour le PFOA). A l'inverse, nous identifions huit valeurs de notre unive...

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