>Outperform rating maintained – target price upgraded to € 3.05 (vs € 2.75) - Mapfre posted solid Q3/9M 2024 performances both on the operating front and balance sheet-wise (solvency, etc.), in synch with the new medium-term strategic plan – while it is true that net income fell short of expectations at € 192m (-18% vs cons), the underlying trend remains quite positive with further solid commercial activity, as well as increasingly visible signs of improvement in the ...
>Opinion Surperformance maintenue – OC réhaussé à 3.05 € (vs 2.75 €) - Mapfre délivre au T3/sur 9M 2024 une performance solide à la fois sur l’opérationnel et sur le plan bilanciel (solvabilité…), en phase avec le nouveau plan stratégique MT. Le RN s’établit certes en deçà des attentes à 192 M€ (-18% vs cons) mais l’évolution underlying reste plutôt favorable avec notamment le maintien d’une solide activité commerciale mais aussi de signes de plus en plus visibles d’a...
3Q'24 vs. 3Q'23 Results Premiums: € 6.477 Bn (+2.3% vs. +3.7% BS(e) and +4.8% consensus); Net Profit: € 192.0 M (+25.0% vs. +54.0% BS(e) and +50.5% consensus); 9M'24 vs. 9M'23 Results Premiums: € 21.622 Bn (+4.6% vs. +5.0% BS(e) and +5.3% consensus); Net Profit: € 654.0 M (+39.0% vs. +48.4% BS(e) and +47.2% consensus);
Rdos. 3T'24 vs 3T'23: Primas: 6.477 M euros (+2,3% +3,7% BS(e) y +4,8% consenso); BDI: 192,0 M euros (+25,0% vs +54,0% BS(e) y +50,5% consenso). Rdos. 9meses'24 vs 9meses'23: Primas: 21.622 M euros (+4,6% vs +5,0% BS(e) y +5,3% consenso); BDI: 654,0 M euros (+39,0% vs +48,4% BS(e) y +47,2% consenso).
We hosted our 4th ODDO BHF Iberian Forum on the 1st and 2nd of October 2024, virtually. In total, 63 companies were present. In the following note, we provide some initial feedback from the companies on day 2. - >ACS (=): good operating momentum maintained, Abertis and its dividends on the front page - Atresmedia (=): Q3 should be challenging but outlook reiterated - Befesa (=): zinc prices held up well, offsetting the negative impact of maintenance on Q3 volumes - CaixaBank ...
NEWS SUMMARY: ALMIRALL, CAIXABANK, CELLNEX, MAPFRE. Caution remains due to risk of US recession in a highly volatile week After the week started out with sharp drops (in view of fears of a recession stemming from the US employment data the week before and the rate hike in Japan), the stock markets began to recover. However, towards the end of the week doubts returned, and on Friday, after rising slightly through mid-session, European stock markets lost almost all the ground gained during the af...
COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: ALMIRALL, CELLNEX, MAPFRE. Persiste la cautela con respecto a una recesión en EE.UU. en una semana con mucha volatilidad Tras un inicio de semana con fuertes correcciones (ante el miedo a la recesión desatado por los datos de empleo americanos de la semana anterior y la subida de tipos en Japón, que llevó a deshacer operaciones de carry trade en todos los mercados), las bolsas fueron recuperándose. No obstante, hacia el final de la semana volvieron...
Questions are mounting for the equity markets on multiple fronts: economic (turbulence or slowdown), monetary (how quickly will central banks cut rates) and geopolitical (France, US, Russia/Ukraine, China). For the rest of the summer, we are maintaining our positive bias on US vs European equities. On European equities, we are returning to a neutral stance between cyclicals and defensives, between value and growth styles, between large caps and small caps, and recommend increasing pos...
Les questions s’accumulent pour les marchés actions : sur les plans économique (trou d’air ou ralentissement ?), monétaire (à quel rythme les banques centrales vont-elles baisser les taux) et (géo)politique (France, Etats-Unis, Russie/Ukraine, Chine). Pour le reste de cet été, nous conservons notre biais positif sur les actions américaines vs européennes. Sur les actions européennes, nous revenons à la neutralité entre cycliques et défensives, entre les styles Value et Growth, entre L...
>Outperform rating reiterated - Target price lowered to € 2.75 (vs € 2.80) - Mapfre delivered a broadly reassuring Q2 2024 both on the operational front and with regards to the balance (solvency, etc.) and in line with the new medium-term strategic plan - Net profit was therefore € 245m (i.e. +14% vs cons.). The still favourable trend on underlyings notably with maintained solid commercial activity but also increasingly visible signs of improvement in the technical re...
>Opinion Surperformance réitérée – OC légèrement abaissé à 2.75 € (vs 2.80 €) - Mapfre délivre au T2 2024 une copie globalement rassurante à la fois sur l’opérationnel et l’évolution de son bilan (solvabilité…) et en phase avec le nouveau plan stratégique MT. Le RN s’établit ainsi à 245 M€ (soit +14% vs cons). Trend toujours favorable sur l’underlying avec notamment le maintien d’une solide activité commerciale mais aussi de signes de plus en plus visibles d’améliorat...
2Q'24 vs. 2Q'23 Results Premiums: € 7 Bn (+6.7% vs. +5.4% BS(e) and +6.1% consensus); Operating Result: € 579.4 M (+13.2% vs. +4.1% BS(e) and n/a consensus); Net Profit: € 246.6 M (+29.9% vs. +12.6% BS(e) and +14.1% consensus); 1H'24 vs. 1H'23 Results Premiums: € 15.15 Bn (+5.5% vs. +5.0% BS(e) and +5.3% consensus); Operating Result: € 1.122 Bn (+23.7% vs. +18.6% BS(e) and n/a consensus); Net Profit: € 461.6 M (+45.6% vs. +34.9% BS(e) and +36.0% consensus);
Rdos. 2T'24 vs 2T'23: Primas: 7.002,3 M euros (+6,7% vs +5,4% BS(e) y +6,1% consenso); Rdo. Operativo: 579,4 M euros (+13,2% vs +4,1% BS(e) y n/a consenso); BDI: 246,6 M euros (+29,9% vs +12,6% BS(e) y +14,1% consenso). Rdos. 1S'24 vs 1S'23: Primas: 15.145,1 M euros (+5,5% vs +5,0% BS(e) y +5,3% consenso); Rdo. Operativo: 1.122 M euros (+23,7% vs +18,6% BS(e) y n/a consenso); BDI: 461,6 M euros (+45,6% vs +34,9% BS(e) y +36,0% consenso).
>Outperform rating maintained – target price raised to € 2.8 (vs € 2.7) - Mapfre turned in another broadly solid set of performances in Q1 2024, both operationally and balance sheet-wise (solvency, etc.) and in synch with the new medium-term strategic plan recently unveiled (March 2024) – net income came in at € 216m (+2% vs consensus), with good-quality performances from its two businesses (non-life +63% vs cons thanks to the financial result, life +7% vs cons). The ...
>Opinion Surperformance maintenue – OC porté à 2.8 € (vs 2.7 €) - Mapfre délivre au T1 2024 une performance de nouveau globalement solide à la fois sur l’opérationnel et l’évolution de son bilan (solvabilité…) et en phase avec le nouveau plan stratégique MT récemment dévoilé (mars 2024). Le RN s’établit ainsi à 216 M€ (soit +2% vs cons) avec une performance de bonne facture des 2 activités (Non-vie +63% vs cons grâce notamment au résultat financier, Vie +7% vs css). L...
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