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Franc Gregori ... (+3)
  • Franc Gregori
  • Lala Gregorek
  • Philippa Gardner

Futura Medical: Earlier US Eroxon launch brings forward profitability

We have upgraded our revenue forecasts and valuation following interim results and the earlier and imminent US launch by partner Haleon, which we previously anticipated in 2025. The US launch, expected in October, will trigger a milestone and recurring royalties on net Eroxon sales. Commercial success in the US will be transformational, ensuring Futura’s sustainable and growing profitability. Meanwhile, existing partners outside of the US continue to execute on launches, with Eroxon now availabl...

Hybridan Small Cap Feast - 10 September 2024

* A corporate client of Hybridan LLP ** Arranged by type of listing and date of announcement *** Alphabetically arranged **** Potential means Intention to Float (ITF) has been announced, or it is a rumour Dish of the day Admissions: None Delistings: Hermes Pacific Investments (HPAC.L) has delisted from AIM What’s baking in the oven? Our daily digest of news from UK Small Caps If you would like to unsubscribe, please email with “unsubscribe me”. Hybridan Chefs Banquet Buffet*** Audioboom Grou...

Franc Gregori ... (+3)
  • Franc Gregori
  • Lala Gregorek
  • Philippa Gardner

Trinity Delta Lighthouse: Futura Medical

Trinity Delta view: Futura Medical has successfully transitioned into a commercial stage healthcare company that is now profitable and cash generative. The much-anticipated US launch by Haleon is imminent, and commercial success in the US would be transformational, ensuring Futura Medical’s sustainable and growing profitability. Continued launches by partners, coupled with ongoing learnings from real-world evidence that confirm Eroxon’s unique position and potential, all bode well for future Ero...

Hybridan Small Cap Feast - 1 August 2024

1st August 2024 * A corporate client of Hybridan LLP ** Arranged by type of listing and date of announcement *** Alphabetically arranged **** Potential means Intention to Float (ITF) has been announced, or it is a rumour Dish of the day Admissions: Delistings: I(X) Net Zero (IX.L) has left AIM. What’s baking in the oven? ** Our daily digest of news from UK Small Caps If you would like to unsubscribe, please email with “unsubscribe me”. Hybridan Chefs Banquet Buffet*** Aferian 4.5p £5m (AFRN....

Franc Gregori ... (+3)
  • Franc Gregori
  • Lala Gregorek
  • Philippa Gardner

Trinity Delta Lighthouse: Futura Medical

Trinity Delta view: As we have stated before, Futura Medical’s investment case has shifted firmly onto commercial execution. The highly successful initial launches of Eroxon, its novel topical gel for ED (erectile dysfunction), by partner Cooper Consumer Health in the UK and Belgium are being followed by roll-outs across the major European markets. Other geographies have also successfully launched. However, in our view, it is the US that could prove transformational as commercial success in the ...

Franc Gregori ... (+3)
  • Franc Gregori
  • Lala Gregorek
  • Philippa Gardner

Futura Medical: Eroxon poised for launch in key US market

Futura Medical’s investment case has shifted firmly onto commercial execution. The highly successful initial launches of Eroxon, its novel topical gel for ED (erectile dysfunction), by partner Cooper Consumer Health in the UK and Belgium are now being followed by roll-outs across the major European markets. The much-anticipated launch in the commercially important US market by consumer healthcare giant Haleon is expected before February 2025. Launches in Other Regions are anticipated throughout...

Franc Gregori ... (+3)
  • Franc Gregori
  • Lala Gregorek
  • Philippa Gardner

Trinity Delta Lighthouse: Futura Medical

Trinity Delta view: Following the recent Trading Update, there are few surprises within Futura’s FY23 financial results, with costs remaining tightly controlled. Focus on the potential US launch by partner Haleon is understandable, given the US commercial opportunity is likely the most significant. Hence, comments that preparations towards the US launch are progressing well, together with Haleon confirming launch is expected within 12 months, are reassuring. Whilst there continue to be limited i...

Hybridan Small Cap Feast - 14 Feb 24

14th February 2024 @HybridanLLP Status of this Note and Disclaimer This document has been issued to you by Hybridan LLP for information purposes only and should not be construed in any circumstances as an offer to sell or solicitation of any offer to buy any security or other financial instrument, nor shall it, or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract relating to such action. This document has no regard for the specific investment obj...

Franc Gregori ... (+3)
  • Franc Gregori
  • Lala Gregorek
  • Philippa Gardner

Trinity Delta Lighthouse: Futura Medical

Trinity Delta view: Revenues appear to be broadly tracking just ahead of our expectations, even with the challenges of forecasting first launches. Re-ordering patterns will be a key determinant of longer-term success, and whilst visibility is not unexpectedly limited given the early stage of launch, we believe the commitment shown by Cooper through extension of the existing agreement is an encouraging sign and likely reflects initial in-market success and trends, in our view. We continue to beli...

Hybridan Small Cap Feast - 09 Jan 24

9th January 2024 @HybridanLLP Status of this Note and Disclaimer This document has been issued to you by Hybridan LLP for information purposes only and should not be construed in any circumstances as an offer to sell or solicitation of any offer to buy any security or other financial instrument, nor shall it, or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract relating to such action. This document has no regard for the specific investment objec...


Health exclusion affects more than three in five people globally

Health exclusion affects more than three in five people globally Phase two of Economist Impact’s Health Inclusivity Index, supported by Haleon, measures experience of health inclusion across 42,000 people in 40 countriesHealth inclusivity scores fall worldwide with addition of lived experience data, exposing glaring policy-practice gap in wealthy countries66% of survey respondents experience barriers to health inclusion, with the most vulnerable worst affected Index reveals stark generational divide with Gen Z and Millennials experiencing greater barriers to access and higher levels of disc...

Hybridan Small Cap Feast - 07 Nov 23

7th November 2023 @HybridanLLP Status of this Note and Disclaimer This document has been issued to you by Hybridan LLP for information purposes only and should not be construed in any circumstances as an offer to sell or solicitation of any offer to buy any security or other financial instrument, nor shall it, or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract relating to such action. This document has no regard for the specific investment obje...

Emily Liu
  • Emily Liu

Hybridan Small Cap Feast 19-10-2023

19th October 2023 @HybridanLLP Status of this Note and Disclaimer This document has been issued to you by Hybridan LLP for information purposes only and should not be construed in any circumstances as an offer to sell or solicitation of any offer to buy any security or other financial instrument, nor shall it, or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract relating to such action. This document has no regard for the specific investment obje...


Neue globale Studie zeigt, dass Menschen mit Schmerzen sich mehr denn ...

Neue globale Studie zeigt, dass Menschen mit Schmerzen sich mehr denn je sozial ausgegrenzt fühlen Laut der neuesten Ausgabe des Haleon Pain Index fühlt sich die Hälfte (49 %) der Menschen mit Schmerzen stigmatisiert[1][2]42 % fühlen sich aufgrund ihrer Schmerzen regelmäßig einsam, und ein Drittel empfindet ernsthafte Einsamkeit (basierend auf der UCLA-Einsamkeitsskala)[3]32 % der Menschen, die unter Schmerzen leiden, befürchten, dass sie in Bezug darauf beurteilt werdenFrauen, farbige Menschen und die LGBQ+-Gemeinschaft sind am stärksten betroffenDie Generation Z fühlt sich eher ungehört a...


Nuevo estudio global revela que personas que padecen de dolor se sient...

Nuevo estudio global revela que personas que padecen de dolor se sienten socialmente más excluidas que nunca La última edición del Índice de Dolor Haleon revela que la mitad (49%) de las personas con dolor se sienten estigmatizadas[1][2]El 42% se sienten regularmente solitarios debido a su dolor, y un tercio siente profunda soledad (según la escala de soledad de UCLA)[3]El 32% de las personas que viven con dolor temen ser juzgadasLas mujeres, personas de color y la comunidad LGBQ+ son las más afectadasLa Generación Z es más propensa a no ser escuchada que los Baby Boomers LONDRES, Sept. 2...


Une nouvelle étude mondiale révèle que les personnes qui souffrent se ...

Une nouvelle étude mondiale révèle que les personnes qui souffrent se sentent plus socialement exclues que jamais Une nouvelle étude mondiale révèle que les personnes qui souffrent se sentent plus socialement exclues que jamais La toute dernière édition de Haleon Pain Index indique que la moitié (49 %) des individus qui souffrent se sentent stigmatisés[1][2]42 % des répondants se sentent régulièrement seuls à cause de leur douleur, et un tiers ressent un grave sentiment de solitude (sur la base de l'échelle du sentiment de solitude de l'UCLA)[3]32 % des personnes qui souffrent craignent d'...



最新のグローバル研究により、痛みを抱えている人々はこれまで以上に社会的に疎外されていると感じていることが判明 ヘイリオン痛み指数(Haleon Pain Index)の最新版では、痛みを抱えている人の半数 (49%) が非難されていると感じていることが明らかになった[1][2]42% が痛みのために定期的に孤独を感じており、3分の1が深刻な孤独を感じている (UCLA 孤独感尺度に基づく)[3]痛みを抱えながら生活している人の32%は、自分が判断されることを恐れている女性、有色人種、LGBQ+ コミュニティが最悪の影響を受けているZ世代はベビーブーマー世代よりも自分の意見を聞いてもらえないと感じる可能性が高い ロンドン発 , Sept. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- - 18か国の 18,097 人を対象とした新たな研究で、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響で世界的な健康意識が高まっているにもかかわらず、社会では痛みを抱える人々に対する寛容さが低下していることが判明した。 コンシューマーヘルス企業ヘイリオン(Haleon)が実施したヘイリオン痛み指数(HPI:Haleon Pain Index)の第5版[1]では、パンデミック後の社会における痛みに対する態度は現在、より批判的で寛容ではなくなっており、痛みを抱えている人の半数(49%)が非難され...


통증 환자들, 그 어느 때보다 사회적 소외감 느껴...HPI 연구결과

통증 환자들, 그 어느 때보다 사회적 소외감 느껴...HPI 연구결과 헤일리온 통증지수(HPI) 최신호 결과 통증 환자의 절반(49%)이 사회적 낙인감을 느낀다고 응답[1][2]응답자의 42%는 통증 때문에 정기적으로 외로움을 느끼며 1/3은 심각한 외로움을 느낀다고 밝힘(UCLA 외로움 척도 기준)[3]통증 속에 살아가는 응답자의 32%는 주위사람들에게 자신이 평가받게 되는 것을 두려워한다고 밝힘여성, 유색인종, 성소수자 그룹(LGBQ+)이 가장 큰 영향받는 것으로 나타나베이비붐 세대보다 Z세대가 외로움을 더 많이 느끼는 것으로 드러나 런던, Sept. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  전 세계 18개국 18,097명을 대상으로 한 서베이 결과에 따르면 코로나19의 영향으로 건강에 대한 인식이 전 세계적으로 높아졌지만 오히려 고통(통증)을 겪는 사람들에 대해 덜 너그러워지는 등 사회가 갖는 관용도는 더 떨어졌다는 사실이 드러났다. 소비자 건강기업인 Haleon(헤일리온)이 실시한 제5차 Haleon 통증 지수 연구결과[1] 에 따르면, 팬데믹 이후 통증을 바라보는 사람들의 태도는 덜 너그러워진 반면 오히려 더 비판적으로 변했...


Kajian global baharu mendapati orang yang mengalami kesakitan berasa l...

Kajian global baharu mendapati orang yang mengalami kesakitan berasa lebih tersisih secara sosial berbanding sebelumnya Edisi terkini bagi Indeks Kesakitan Haleon mendapati separuh (49%) daripada orang yang mengalami kesakitan berasa terhina[1][2]42% kerap merasa kesepian kerana kesakitan mereka, satu pertiga pula merasa kesepian yang serius (berdasarkan skala kesepian UCLA)[3]32% orang yang hidup dengan kesakitan berasa takut mereka akan dinilaiWanita, orang bukan kulit pulih dan komuniti LGBTQ+ paling teruk terjejasGen Z lebih cenderung merasa tidak didengari berbanding generasi Baby Boom...



最新的全球研究發現,人們在疼痛時比以往任何時候更容易感到被社會排斥 最新版 Haleon 疼痛指數 (Haleon Pain Index) 發現,近半 (49%) 疼痛病患感到羞恥[1][2]42% 的疼痛病患感到孤獨,三分之一的疼痛病患感到非常孤獨(基於加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA) 孤獨量表)[3]32% 生活在疼痛中的受訪者害怕自己會被人評判女性、有色人種和 LGBQ+ 群體受影響最嚴重與嬰兒潮世代相比,Z 世代更容易感到被人忽視 倫敦, Sept. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 一項針對來自 18 個國家的 18,097 名受訪者進行的新研究發現,儘管 COVID-19 的影響提高了全球健康意識,但社會對疼痛者的容忍度正逐漸下降。 由消費者健康公司 Haleon 編制的第五版 Haleon 疼痛指數 (Haleon Pain Index, HPI)[1] 顯示,在後疫情時代的社會,人們更容易評判而非寬容疼痛病患,近半 (49%) 疼痛病患感到因疼痛而羞恥,近三分之一 (32%) 疼痛病患害怕自己會因疼痛而被評判。 過去十年來,這項全球指數一直堅持探索疼痛對人們生活的真正影響。今年的研究發現,相比較 2014 年編制的第一版疼痛指數,如今,疼痛的社會和情感影響增長了近 25%,全球範圍內因日常疼痛引起的羞辱和社交孤立現象也日益嚴重...

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