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EC Healthcare: 1 director

A director at EC Healthcare bought 1,000,000 shares at 7.247HKD and the significance rating of the trade was 67/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clear...



EQS 公告 医思医疗建议采纳共同持股计划,鼓励优质人才留任,为股东创造价值 2020-02-25 / 09:43 UTC+8 【请实时发布】     医思医疗建议采纳共同持股计划 鼓励优质人才留任 为股东创造价值   (2020å¹´2月25日,香港)香港具领导地位的综合医疗集团 ── 香港医思医疗集团有限公司(「医思医疗」或本「公司」,连同附属公司,总称本「集团」;香港联交所股份编号:2138)公布,向包括选定董事及雇员或服务供货商等合资格参与者提供共同投èµ...


EQS-Announcement: Union Medical Healthcare Limited proposes adoption o...

EQS-Announcement Union Medical Healthcare Limited proposes adoption of Co-ownership plan to retain talents and create value for shareholders 25/02/2020 / 09:43 UTC+8 The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 【For Immediate Release】     Union Medical Healthcare Limited proposes adoption of Co-ownership plan to retain talents and create value for shareholders   (25 February 2020, Hong Kong) - Union Medical Healthcare Limited ("Union Medical Healthcare" or the "Company", which together with its subsidiaries, is referred to as the "Group"; SEHK stock ...


醫思醫療建議採納共同持股計劃 ,鼓勵優質人才留任...

EQS 公告 醫思醫療建議採納共同持股計劃 ,鼓勵優質人才留任,為股東創造價值 2020-02-25 / 09:43 UTC+8 【請即時發佈】     醫思醫療建議採納共同持股計劃 鼓勵優質人才留任 為股東創造價值   (2020å¹´2月25日,香港)香港具領導地位的綜合醫療集團 ── 香港醫思醫療集團有限公司(「醫思醫療」或本「公司」,連同附屬公司,總稱本「集團」;香港聯交所股份編號:2138)公佈,向包括選定董事及僱員或服務供應商等合資格參與者提供共同投è...


EQS-Announcement: Union Medical Healthcare Announces FY2019/20 Interim...

EQS-Announcement Union Medical Healthcare Announces FY2019/20 Interim Results, Union Medical Healthcare Announces FY2019/20 Interim Results. Business growth driven by medical services with increase in net profit to HK$211 million 26/11/2019 / 20:54 UTC+8 The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. [FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] / Union Medical Healthcare Announces FY2019/20 Interim Results Business growth driven by medical services with increase in net profit to HK$211 million Results Highlights Revenue increased by 28.1% to HK$1,118.5 million Net profit mar...


醫思醫療公佈2019/20年度中期業績, 醫療服務帶動增長,...

EQS 公告 醫思醫療公佈2019/20年度中期業績, 醫療服務帶動增長, 純利升至2.11億港元 2019-11-26 / 20:54 UTC+8 [請即時發放]/醫思醫療公佈2019/20年度中期業績醫療服務帶動增長 純利升至2.11億港元 業績摘要 收入增長28.1%至1,118.5百萬港元 淨利潤率為18.9% 醫療服務收入為324.0百萬元,上升102.2%,占總收入增至29.0% 美學醫療收入為462.8百萬元,上升8.1%,占總收入41.4% 美容及養生服務收入為239.3百萬元,上升7.7%,占總收入21.4% 中國大陸客戶貢獻收入å...


医思医疗公布2019/20年度中期业绩, 医疗服务带动增长...

EQS 公告 医思医疗公布2019/20年度中期业绩, 医疗服务带动增长, 纯利升至2.11亿港元 2019-11-26 / 20:54 UTC+8 [请实时发放]/医思医疗公布2019/20年度中期业绩医疗服务带动增长 纯利升至2.11亿港元 业绩摘要 收入增长28.1%至1,118.5百万港元 净利润率为18.9% 医疗服务收入为324.0百万元,上升102.2%,占总收入增至29.0% 美学医疗收入为462.8百万元,上升8.1%,占总收入41.4% 美容及养生服务收入为239.3百万元,上升7.7%,占总收入21.4% 中国大陆客户贡献收入...


EQS-Announcement: Union Medical Healthcare Limited - RECENT UPDATE ON ...

EQS-Announcement Union Medical Healthcare Limited - RECENT UPDATE ON SALES VOLUME & UNAUDITED SALES INFORMATION DURING NATIONAL DAY GOLDEN WEEK HOLIDAY IN 2019 16/10/2019 / 07:00 UTC+8 The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of th...


香港医思医疗集团有限公司 - 销售额近况 及 2019年「å...

EQS 公告 香港医思医疗集团有限公司 - 销售额近况 及 2019年「十‧一国庆」假期 之未经审核销售数据 2019-10-16 / 07:00 UTC+8 香港交易及结算所有限公司及香港联合交易所有限公司对本公告之内容概不负责,对其准确性或完整性 亦不发表任何声明,并表明概不就因本公告之全部或任何部份内容而产生或因倚赖该等内容而引致之任 何损失承担任何责任。 /Union Medical Healthcare Limited香港医思医疗集团有限公司*(于开曼群岛注册成立之有限公司)(股份代å...


香港醫思醫療集團有限公司 - 銷售額近況 及 2019 年「...

EQS 公告 香港醫思醫療集團有限公司 - 銷售額近況 及 2019 年「十‧一國慶」假期 之未經審核銷售資料 2019-10-16 / 07:00 UTC+8 香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告之內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性 亦不發表任何聲明,並表明概不就因本公告之全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致之任 何損失承擔任何責任。 /Union Medical Healthcare Limited香港醫思醫療集團有限公司*(於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司) (股份代è...


EQS-Announcement: Union Medical Healthcare Makes First Foray into The ...

EQS-Announcement Union Medical Healthcare Makes First Foray into The Capital of China
 26/02/2019 / 22:48 UTC+8 The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. [FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] / Union Medical Healthcare Makes First Foray into The Capital of China (26 February 2019, Hong Kong) Union Medical Healthcare Limited ("Union Medical Healthcare" or the "Company", which together with its subsidiaries, is referred to as the "Group", SEHK stock code: 2138), a leading integrated medical group in Hong Kong, is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to...



EQS 公告 醫思醫療成功進駐北京黃金地段 2019-02-26 / 22:48 UTC+8 [請即時發放]/ 醫思醫療成功進駐北京黃金地段 (2019å¹´2月26æ—¥ - 香港) - 香港具領導地位的綜合醫療集團- 香港醫思醫療集團有限公司(「醫思醫療」或本「公司」,連同附屬公司,總稱本「集團」;香港聯交所股份編號:2138)欣然宣佈簽訂買賣協議,收購一間於國內持有醫療機構執業許可證、主要於從事醫療美容服務的公司。服務場所位於北京朝陽區,佔地約900平方米。 醫思醫療主å¸...

Union Medical Healthcare Limited: New Issuer

Our credit view of UMH's new rating highlighting its competitive position, growth prospects and financial flexibility, constrained by modest scale and risks related to expansion.

Union Medical Healthcare Limited: Covenant Quality Pre-Sale Snapshot: ...

Union Medical Healthcare Limited’s covenant package provides lower-tier CQ5-Lite protection.

Moody's assigns first-time B1 CFR to Union Medical Healthcare; B1 to p...

Moody's Investors Service has assigned a first-time B1 corporate family rating (CFR) to Union Medical Healthcare Limited (UMH). At the same time, Moody's has assigned a B1 rating to the proposed senior unsecured notes to be issued by Union Medical Healthcare Limited. The rating out...

Ford Equity International Rating and Forecast Report

Ford Equity International Research Reports cover 60 countries with over 30,000 stocks traded on international exchanges. A proprietary quantitative system compares each company to its peers on proven measures of business value, growth characteristics, and investor behavior. Ford's three recommendation ratings buy, hold and sell, represent each stock’s return potential relative to its own country market.. The rating reports which are generated each week, include the fundamental details behind...

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