Karolinska Development’s portfolio company AnaCardio has been granted additional EU patent for drug candidate AC01 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN March 13, 2025. Karolinska Development AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: KDEV) today announces that its portfolio company AnaCardio has been granted patent for its drug candidate AC01 as an inotropic agent in the EU. AnaCardio AB is a privately held Swedish clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel drugs to treat heart failure. The company´s lead asset, AC01, is currently being evaluated in a clinical phase 1b/2a study, GOAL-HF1, in patients with heart fa...
Karolinska Developments portföljbolag AnaCardio får ytterligare patent i EU för läkemedelskandidaten AC01 STOCKHOLM, SVERIGE 13 mars 2025. Karolinska Development AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: KDEV) meddelar idag att portföljbolaget AnaCardio har beviljats EU-patent för läkemedelskandidaten AC01 som en inotrop behandling. AnaCardio är ett privatägt, svenskt biopharma-bolag i klinisk fas som utvecklar nya läkemedelskandidater för behandling av hjärtsvikt. Bolagets ledande läkemedelskandidat AC01 utvärderas för närvarande i en klinisk fas 1b/2a-studie, GOAL-HF1, i patienter med hjärtsvikt och försämr...
Bank of Åland Plc: Managers' Transactions (Eurell) Bank of Åland PlcManagers' TransactionsMarch 13, 2025, 10.30 EET Managers' Transactions (Eurell) ___Person subject to the notification requirementName: Jan-Gunnar EurellPosition: Chief Financial OfficerIssuer: Ålandsbanken AbpLEI: 7437006WYM821IJ3MN73Notification type: INITIAL NOTIFICATIONReference number: 100059/5/4___Transaction date: 2025-03-12Outside a trading venueInstrument type: SHAREISIN: FI0009001127Nature of transaction: SUBSCRIPTION Transaction details(1): Volume: 1442 Unit price: 37.36 EUR Aggregated transactions (1):Vol...
Nova Klúbburinn hf.: Breyting á áður birtri tillögu tilnefningarnefndar – Óskað eftir framboðum til stjórnar Breyting verður frá áður birtri tillögu tilnefningarnefndar um skipan stjórnar í Nova Klúbbnum á komandi aðalfundi 27. mars. Lögð verður fram uppfærð tillaga fyrir fundinn í ljósi þess að einn af núverandi stjórnarmönnum hyggst ekki gefa kost á sér. Magnús Árnason, sem var fyrst kjörinn í stjórn Nova Klúbbsins árið 2023 og var á meðal þeirra sem hlutu meðmæli tilnefningarnefndar til áframhaldandi setu í stjórn félagsins hefur ákveðið að gefa ekki kost á sér í stjórnina á komandi aða...
Ålandsbanken Abp: Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning (Eurell) Ålandsbanken AbpTransaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning13.3.2025 kl. 10.30 EET Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning (Eurell) ___Den anmälningsskyldigaNamn: Jan-Gunnar EurellBefattning: EkonomidirektörEmittent: Ålandsbanken AbpLEI: 7437006WYM821IJ3MN73Anmälans karaktär: FÖRSTA ANMÄLANReferensnummer: 100059/5/4___Transaktionens datum: 2025-03-12Utanför en handelsplatsInstrument typ: AKTIEISIN: FI0009001127Transaktionens karaktär: TECKNING Detaljer om transaktionerna(1): Volym:...
Two Directors at Winpak Ltd bought 1,200 shares at between 38.000CAD and 39.930CAD. The significance rating of the trade was 68/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last...
Basic-Fit: Feedback from investor call which did not go down well. Euronext: SaaSy deal. Lotus Bakeries: New ice cream partnership with Froneri. Vopak: CMD with higher return target, €1bn additional capex for gas/industrial
Utilities - CEZ: 2024 EBITDA beats estimates but 2025 guidance lower
In this audio note, Zeus’ Carl Smith summarises the investment case for Public Policy Holding Company. PPHC, the international lobbying and public affairs group, has released a good set of full year results showing double digit revenue growth and strong momentum in the second half of the year. Management has flagged a positive start to FY25, underpinning our forecasts for the year.
SOFIX (896.88, +0.09%) and BGBX40 (171.79, +0.01%) closed on a note higher on Wednesday, though the daily impact could be stronger without the selling pressure on Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 1.60, -2.44%) and Chimimport (CHIM, BGN 0.715, -2.05%), which placed the bank on the top loser list for second day in a row in the large cap space. The positive bias came from buy-the-dip interest in First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 3.98, +3.11%), Shelly Group (SLYG, EUR 36.20, +1.97) and Agria Group (...
Polarean held a presentation for investors to recap the investment thesis for its unique technology for visualising lung function and provide real life examples of its Xenon MRI imaging in both research and clinical use. Dr Alan Huang, recently appointed VP Global Sales, provided a positive update on the sales pipeline and process. Polarean reaffirmed existing guidance. However, while there was no new news, the presentation certainly helped demonstrate the enthusiasm with which Polarean's techno...
Following the publication of the FY24 results on Monday, we have slightly tweaked our estimates to the downside, partially driven by the depreciation of the USD and softer sales growth outlook at Belron. After applying a 20% discount to our new SOTP valuation of € 275ps (prev. € 281ps), we reiterate our Buy rating but lower our TP from € 225 to € 220ps.
Two Directors at Banco Btg Pactual S.A bought 558,800 shares at between 32.659BRL and 32.683BRL. The significance rating of the trade was 73/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors ...
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