Jonathan Chaplin
EUR 9329.00 For Business Accounts Only

FYBR: creating value through structural separation

We have argued that Frontier should separate Wave 3 markets into a JV with a financial partner, similar to AT&T’s Gigapower. This will accelerate the time to FCF generation, while allowing the Company to pursue attractive opportunities that would be difficult to fund otherwise. Our model suggests the structure could generate strong returns for Frontier and their partner, and it will be far more material for Frontier than Gigapower is for AT&T.

New Street Research
New Street Research

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New Street Research is an independent, partner-owned, research firm specialising in equity and debt research. Our equity research embraces the following sectors:

  • Pan European Telecom Services and Cable
  • US Telecoms, Cable, Satellite and Towers
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We provide debt research on:

  • Pan European Telecom Services and Cable

Jonathan Chaplin

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