Anthony Dick ...
  • Michael Foundoukidis


Les politiques économiques et environnementales européennes ne devraient pas être bouleversées par les élections des 6-9 juin. L’UE est toutefois au pied du mur sur des sujets cruciaux : défense, souveraineté technologique, transition écologique, autonomie énergétique, industrie automobile, consolidation bancaire ou aérienne. L’étude fait le bilan de la précédente mandature et dresse les principaux enjeux de la prochaine pour les secteurs et valeurs les plus impactés par l’UE. - ...
Adidas AG

ACM Managed Dollar Income Fund is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. This closed-end investment fund is designed for investors who seek high current income and capital appreciation. In order to achieve this objective, Co. invests primarily in high-yielding, U.S. and non-U.S. fixed income securities, denominated in U.S. dollars, that it expects to benefit from improving economic and credit fundamentals. Co. may utilize leverage through the investment techniques of reverse repurchase agreements and dollar rolls. As of Sept 30 2007, Co. had total assets of $192,614,325 and investment portfolio totalled $178,906,534.

Aroundtown SA

Aroundtown Property Holdings Plc (Co.) is a specialist real estate investment group, focusing in the German real estate markets. Co. covers the main real estate segments which benefit from strong fundamentals and growth prospects: residential (through its holding in Grand City Properties S.A.), commercial and hotel properties. The Co.'s vision is buying, redeveloping, turning around and optimizing real estate properties in Germany.

ASML Holding NV

ASML Holding provides lithography systems for the semiconductor industry, manufacturing machines that are used in the production of integrated circuits or chips. Co. develops, produces, markets, sells and services advanced semiconductor equipment systems exclusively consisting of lithography systems. Co. sells its products to micro-processor manufacturers and Foundries, NAND-Flash memory and DRAM memory chipmakers. Co.'s products line includes the following: PAS 5000 lithography systems, which Co. no longer manufactures but continues to refurbish; PAS 5500 products; TWINSCAN DUV systems and TWINSCAN EUV systems based on a new platform utilizing the concepts of the TWINSCAN platform.


Elia Group SA/NV

Elia System Operator develops, operates and maintains very-high-voltage (380 kV, 220 kV and 150 kV) and high-voltage (70 kV, 36 kV and 30 kV) networks, providing its customers with consultancy and engineering services. Whether in Belgium, Germany or elsewhere in Europe or the U.S., Co. ensures that electricity flows reliably from energy producers to distributors and large corporate customers. Co.'s main activities include transmission operator, system operator and market facilitator, developing and maintaining grid infrastructure, connecting electrical installations to grids, providing transparent access to grids, while taking initiatives to improve electricity market operations.

Swiss Re AG

Swiss Re is engaged in wholesale reinsurance, insurance and risk transfer solutions. Co.'s clients include insurance companies, corporations, the public sector and policyholders. Co.'s business units include: Property & Casualty Reinsurance, which includes the business lines property and casualty (including motor); Life & Health Reinsurance, which includes the life and health line of business; Corporate Solutions, which serves mid-sized and large corporations, with product offerings ranging from property and casualty insurance to customised solutions; and Admin Re®, which provides risk and capital management solutions.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Anthony Dick

Michael Foundoukidis

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