Jehanne Leroy
EUR 1000.00 For Business Accounts Only

Evolis - Assemblée Générale du 26 mai 2020

Gouvernance :
Les actionnaires historiques de la société Evolis ont apporté le 19 juin 2019 les actions qu’ils détenaient dans le capital d’EVOLIS, soit 3.257.613 actions représentant 62,40 % du capital de cette dernière, à la société CEDYS & CO, société nouvellement créée et contrôlée à 100 % par ces actionnaires historiques. En conséquence, Evolis a fait l’objet d’une OPA simplifiée de la part de la société CEDYS & CO. CEDYS & CO a acquis pendant l’offre publique d’achat simplifiée, soit du 27 septembre au 18 octobre 2019 inclus, 953.354 actions Evolis au prix unitaire de 30 euros, ce qui n’a pas permis de déclencher la procédure de retrait obligatoire. Au 31 décembre 2019, la société Evolis est détenue à hauteur de 81,75 % par la société CEDYS & CO.

Statuts :
La société propose une refonte complète des statuts sans pour autant mettre à disposition des actionnaires le projet des nouveaux statuts, ce qui ne permet pas à l’actionnaire de vérifier chacune des modifications faites. Nous recommandons donc l’opposition.

Evolis SA

Evolis its main business line is designing, manufacturing and marketing printers for plastic cards and the sale of the related consumables. Evolis systems include all options needed for the graphic and electric personalization (magnetic stripe, chip card, with contact or contactless - Rfid technology) of all types of cards (national identity cards, bank cards, employee badges, student cards, etc.). evolis also markets a broad range of products et services to identify persons and goods, card personalization software through subsidiary cardpresso, a complete line of card accessories through subsidiary Sogedex Accessories, as well as signature pads and a wide array of services.


Founded in 1995, Proxinvest is an independent proxy firm supporting the engagement and proxy analysis processes of investors. Proxinvest mission is to analyse corporate governance practices and resolutions proposed at general meetings of listed firms.

Proxinvest main services are :

  • ​Proxy reports
  • Definition and monitoring of client customized voting guidelines
  • Corporate Governance Data and Rating
  • Thematic research
  • Engagement support

Proxinvest has been a pioneer and champion of good corporate governance and has grown into a recognised expert in the field.

Proxinvest is independently-owned and only works for investors : Proxinvest does not provide consulting services to the companies it covers, mitigating related risks to its clients and ensuring the independence of our analysis. As a result Proxinvest is able to take a robust, independent, engaged and unconflicted view of the companies in which our clients invest.

As Managing Partner of Expert Corprate Governance Service Ltd (ECGS), Proxinvest has built a large network of corporate governance experts to support clients in corporate governance analysis worldwide. 

Jehanne Leroy

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