Expert Corporate Governance Service (ECGS)
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St. Jamesns Place - AGM 14 May 2019

Item 10: Approve the Remuneration Report

 The remuneration structure is unsatisfactory.  There are concerns over incentive pay as the use of qualitative criteria exceeds guidelines. Furthermore, 50% of the bonus is determined on a discretionary basis and 66% of the LTIP is linked with EPS. Over-reliance on EPS could result in management making decisions to maximize profits for the short term, often at the expense of long term shareholder value. EPS can be positively influenced through share buybacks, fluctuations in foreign exchange, or amendments made to accounting rules & regulations. Performance is not measured against a peer group or other relevant benchmarks.  We recommend shareholders oppose.

St. James's Place Plc

St. James's Place provides a range of insurance, investment and other wealth management services through its subsidiaries, which are incorporated in the U.K., Ireland and Asia.


Founded in 1995, Proxinvest is an independent proxy firm supporting the engagement and proxy analysis processes of investors. Proxinvest mission is to analyse corporate governance practices and resolutions proposed at general meetings of listed firms.

Proxinvest main services are :

  • ​Proxy reports
  • Definition and monitoring of client customized voting guidelines
  • Corporate Governance Data and Rating
  • Thematic research
  • Engagement support

Proxinvest has been a pioneer and champion of good corporate governance and has grown into a recognised expert in the field.

Proxinvest is independently-owned and only works for investors : Proxinvest does not provide consulting services to the companies it covers, mitigating related risks to its clients and ensuring the independence of our analysis. As a result Proxinvest is able to take a robust, independent, engaged and unconflicted view of the companies in which our clients invest.

As Managing Partner of Expert Corprate Governance Service Ltd (ECGS), Proxinvest has built a large network of corporate governance experts to support clients in corporate governance analysis worldwide. 

Expert Corporate Governance Service (ECGS)

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