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Los buenos datos macro no consiguen impulsar las bolsas
A pesar de los buenos datos macro y de la apertura de EE.UU. ligeramente alcista, las bolsas europeas no se vieron beneficiadas y cerraron con pérdidas generalizadas, que en el caso del Dax y el Ibex superaron el -1%. Así, en el Euro STOXX todos los sectores menos Alimentación y R. Básicos cerraron en negativo, con Retail y Utilities mostrando el peor comportamiento relativo. Por el lado macro, en la Eurozona el PMI manufacturero sorprendió al alza al repetir los niveles de mayo y encadenó 12 meses consecutivos en zona de expansión. El PMI de servicios repuntó tal y como se esperaba hasta 58. En R. Unido el PMI de servicios bajó más de lo esperado mientras que el de manufacturas avanzó más de lo previsto. En EE.UU. el PMI de Servicios retrocedió más de lo previsto mientras que sorprendió positivamente el ligero ascenso del manufacturero. La venta de viviendas nuevas de mayo se redujo inesperadamente. Por otro lado, republicanos y demócratas parecen estar de acuerdo en un plan de infraestructuras de 1 billón de dólares mientras que varios miembros de la Fed advirtieron que se empezará a hablar de tapering en 2-3 meses. Finalmente, el CDC encontró una probable asociación entre las vacunas para Covid-19 basadas en mRNA e inflamación del corazón mientras que Merkel demanda una cuarentena obligatoria a los viajeros del R. Unido en la UE.
Qué esperamos para hoy
Las bolsas europeas abrirían con ligeros ascensos tras las caídas de ayer. En estos momentos, los futuros del S&P cotizan con subidas del +0,2% (el S&P 500 terminó con caídas del -0,18% con respecto al nivel al que estaba al cierre de las bolsas europeas). La volatilidad en EE.UU. bajó (VIX 16,32). Los mercados asiáticos cotizan con caídas (CSI 300 chino -0,2 Nikkei de Japón -0,1%).
Hoy en la Eurozona el BCE publica el boletín económico. En Alemania el IFO de junio. En España el PIB final del 1T’21. En R. Unido reunión del BoE. En EE.UU. los pedidos de bienes duraderos de mayo y el desempleo semanal. En subastas: Italia (3.000 M euros en Bonos 2022 e I/L 2030.
Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA

ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios is a holding company. Through its subsidiaries, Co.'s activities are divided into the following areas: Construction, engaged in the construction of civil works, and residential and non-residential building construction; industrial services, engaged in the development of applied engineering services, installations and the maintenance of industrial infrastructures in the energy, communications and control systems sectors; services, groups together environmental services, the outsourcing of building maintenance services, logistics and transport services; and concessions, mainly engaged in transport infrastructure concessions.

Euskaltel SA

Euskaltel SA is a Spain-based company engaged in the provision of integrated telecommunication services. The Company's activities are divided into three segments: Residential, Business, as well as Wholesale and Other. The Residential segment provides fixed and mobile telecommunication services, broadband and wireless Internet, as well as digital television (TV) as a single service and in packages. The Business division primarily offers fixed and mobile telephony, as well as Internet access for enterprises. The Wholesale and Other area serves wholesale customers and is responsible for the delivery of communication services, such as infrastructure leasing, information technology (IT) outsourcing, as well as sell of installation material and electronics. The Company operates in the Basque Country, Spain.

Grupo Catalana Occidente S.A.

Grupo Catalana Occidente is an insurance group based in Spain. Co. is engaged in insurance and reinsurance activities, including commercial, life, disability, and automobile insurance. Co. is also engaged in the sale of annuities and pension funds. Co.'s operations are organized along two businesses: Traditional business (insurance) and Credit Insurance business. Co.'s main markets are located in Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands. Co. maintains a presence in more than 40 countries.

Iberdrola SA

Iberdrola is a holding company. Through its subsidiaries, Co. operates in four segments: network business, which includes all the energy transmission and distribution activities, and other regulated activity originated in Spain, the U.K., the U.S. and Brazil; deregulated business, which includes electricity generation and sales businesses as well as gas trading and storage businesses carried on by Co. in Spain, Portugal, the U.K. and North America; renewable business, with activities related to renewable energies in Spain, the U.K., the U.S. and the rest of the world; and other businesses, including the engineering and construction businesses and the non-power businesses.

Obrascon Huarte Lain SA

Obrascon Huarte Lain is an international concession and construction groups based in Spain. Co. maintains significant operations in 30 countries across all five continents. Co. is engaged in hospital and railway construction, transport infrastructure concessions, oil and gas, energy, solids handling and fire protection systems and international contracts. Co.'s operations are organized along four divisions: OHL Concesiones, OHL Construccion, OHL Industrial y OHL Desarrollos. Co. is also engaged in real state project developments of mixed use managed by the international hotel chains.


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