Alexander Kudrin ...
  • Alexander Golinsky
  • Alexander Sychev
  • Alexey Bulgakov
  • Alisa Zakirova
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Ekaterina Sidorova
  • Nikolay Minko
  • Rodion Lomivorotov
  • Sergei Konygin

Долговые рынки сегодня - 8 февраля 2018

> На рынке
> Глобальные рынки
> Рынок внешнего долга стран СНГ
> Денежный и валютный рынки
> Государственные ценные бумаги
> Экономика России. Как на практике работает бюджетное правило
> Годовая инфляция в России в январе замедлилась до 2,2%
> ЕвроХим опубликовал результаты за 4К17 по МСФО
> Норильский Никель создает СП с Русской платиной для разработки месторождений металлов платиновой группы
> МКБ закрыл книгу заявок на 5-летние старшие евробонды под 5,55%
MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC

MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC is a global producer of nickel, palladium, platinum and copper. Co. also produces by-products, such as cobalt, chromium, rhodium, silver, gold, iridium, ruthenium, selenium, tellurium and sulfur. Co. is involved in prospecting, exploration, extraction, refining and metallurgical processing of minerals, as well as in production, marketing and sale of base and precious metals. Co.'s production facilities are located in five countries: Russia, Australia, Botswana, Finland, and South Africa. Co.'s production units are integrated and include: the Polar Division (the Taimyr Peninsula); and the Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company (Kola MMC or the Kola Peninsula).


​Sberbank CIB Investment Research is a research firm offering equity, fixed income, economics, and strategy research. It covers analysis on all aspects of Russia’s capital markets, issues and industries. The firm analyzes trends in Russia and combines local knowledge with a global perspective. It processes macroeconomic data, market and company-specific news, stock quotes and other information for providing research reports. The firm provides details and latest prices on the most traded names and most traded paper on all segments Russian market. In strategy research, it provides thematic research, tips and descriptions of the methodology used to evaluate companies.

Alexander Kudrin

Alexander Golinsky

Alexander Sychev

Alexey Bulgakov

Alisa Zakirova

Anton Stroutchenevski

Artem Vinogradov

Ekaterina Sidorova

Nikolay Minko

Rodion Lomivorotov

Sergei Konygin

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