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Jan Frederik Slijkerman
  • Jan Frederik Slijkerman

Telecoms answer the call for a sustainable business model

Our economy can become more sustainable if we lower our electricity consumption. KPN and Telecom Italia show the way forward with a substantial reduction in electricity use. Telefonica and BT are less successful. In this article, we describe the transition to renewable electricity use and energy-saving options in both fixed and mobile networks

Fehmi Ben Naamane
  • Fehmi Ben Naamane


Bystronic est un groupe suisse spécialisé dans les machines de découpe laser et de pliage, avec un business model hybride entre vente d’équipements, services récurrents et logiciels. Alors que ses commandes pâtissent d’un momentum difficile depuis plusieurs trimestres, nous n’anticipons pas d’amélioration au S2 et la visibilité reste réduite pour 2025. En parallèle, le plan de restructuration initié cette année devrait surtout être visible à compter du S1 2025. Dans ce contexte, Bystr...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles


‘Soft landing’... the term is in vogue and we think it aptly describes the current situation in the energy market. After a period of “excess profits”, the fundamentals are back in favour and prompt us to revise down our estimates for energy prices. - Alongside renewable energies, pockets of sustainable value creation are emerging for players capable of capitalising on the structural growth in volatility on the electricity markets but which are nonetheless trading at a discount In the U...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles


tonies is a pioneer in the children’s audio entertainment and educational industry, offering a screen-free and interactive listening experience (stories and music) through its Toniebox and Tonies figurines. With a proven track record of rapid international growth, portfolio expansion and strong brand recognition mainly in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and North America, we see in the coming years: 1/ further strong revenue increases (CAGR 2024-2026e of 25%) with a...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles


“Soft landing”… le terme est à la mode et nous pensons qu’il caractérise bien la situation du marché de l’énergie aujourd’hui. Après une parenthèse de « surprofits », les fondamentaux reprennent leur droit et nous conduisent à réviser en baisse nos hypothèses de prix de l’énergie. A côté du renouvelable, des poches pérennes de création de valeur apparaissent pour les acteurs capables de profiter de la croissance structurelle de la volatilité des marchés électriques et qui souffrent ma...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles


tonies is a pioneer in the children’s audio entertainment and educational industry, offering a screen-free and interactive listening experience (stories and music) through its Toniebox and Tonies figurines. With a proven track record of rapid international growth, portfolio expansion and strong brand recognition mainly in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and North America, we see in the coming years: 1/ further strong revenue increases (CAGR 2024-2026e of 25%) with a...

Konrad Zomer ... (+2)
  • Konrad Zomer
  • Stephane Beyazian

ODDO : More users switching provider in France, Italy and the UK

>More consumers are looking to change provider in France, Italy and UK - The Oliver Wyman consultancy published yesterday a survey with 7,000 consumers in five countries (see page 2). These studies are not indisputable but offer additional indicators.Mobile market: according to the survey, the desire to switch operator within 24 months is up sharply in Italy (27%, +9pp), the UK (31%, +6pp) and France (27%, +4pp). No major shifts in Germany (26%, +2pp) or Spain (2...

Ben Rickett ... (+3)
  • Ben Rickett
  • James Ratzer
  • Russell Waller

EU TELECOMS REFRESH: Can the outperformance continue?

When was the last time we could write that the EU Telecoms sector has been the second best performing sector in the market YTD? As a result, this raises the question of whether the outperformance can continue. We believe regulation will ultimately determine the answer to this question.

Jeremy Garnier
  • Jeremy Garnier

Hornbach Holding : H1 2024 earnings in line. Some signs of improvement...

>H1 sales of € 3,455m (+0.1%) / EBIT of € 265.4m (margin of 7.7 %, +130bp) - Yesterday, Hornbach Holding published H1 2024-25 results that were broadly in line with our estimates. Despite relatively stable sales at € 3,455m, underlying operating profit was up 20% to € 265.4m, i.e. an underlying operating margin of 7.7% (+130bp). Attributable net profit was € 180.8m, up 35%.Good resilience of sales but visibility still limited - After growth of 1.8% in...

Konrad Zomer ... (+2)
  • Konrad Zomer
  • Stephane Beyazian

ODDO : Plus d’envies de résiliations en France, Italie et au Royaume-U...

>Les consommateurs veulent plus bouger en France, Italie et Royaume-Uni - La cabinet Oliver Wyman a publié hier un sondage auprès de 7 000 consommateurs dans 5 pays (Cf. page 2). Ces études ne sont pas incontestables mais offrent des indicateurs de plus.Marché mobile : selon l’étude, la volonté de changer d’opérateur d’ici 24 mois est en nette hausse en Italie (27%, +9pp), au R-U (31%, +6pp) et en France (27%, +4pp). Pas de grand changement en Allemagne (26%, +2p...

Jeremy Garnier
  • Jeremy Garnier

Hornbach Holding : Résultats S1 2024 en ligne. Quelques signaux d’amél...

>CA S1 de 3 455 M€ (+0.1%) / EBIT de 265.4 M€ (marge de 7.7 %, +130 pb) - Hornbach Holding a publié hier ses résultats S1 2024/25 qui sont ressortis globalement en ligne avec nos attentes. Malgré un CA S1 relativement stable à 3 455 M€, le ROC progresse 20% pour atteindre 265.4 M€ soit une MOC de 7.7% (+130 pb). Le RNpg ressort quant à lui à 180.8 M€ en hausse de 35%.Bonne résilience de l’activité mais pas encore de forte visibilité - Après un T1 en c...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Credit Morning 09/25/2024

Unicredit : Exercise of the rights to acquire CNP UniCredit Vita and UniCredit Allianz Vita majority stakes>...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Morning Crédit 25/09/2024

Unicredit : Exercice des droits d'acquisition des participations majoritaires de CNP UniCredit Vita et UniCredit Allianz Vita>...


EQS-News: HORNBACH Group delivers solid performance in Q2 2024/25

EQS-News: HORNBACH Holding AG & Co. KGaA / Key word(s): Half Year Results/Half Year Report HORNBACH Group delivers solid performance in Q2 2024/25 25.09.2024 / 07:00 CET/CEST The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. HORNBACH Group delivers solid performance in Q2 2024/25 Consolidated half-year net sales in line with prior year’s period HORNBACH successfully expands market sharein several countries – overall customer frequency increased by +1.6% in 6M Successful management of inventories, costs and margins results in an adjusted EBIT of EU...


EQS-News: HORNBACH Gruppe mit solidem Ergebnis im 2. Quartal 2024/25

EQS-News: HORNBACH Holding AG & Co. KGaA / Schlagwort(e): Halbjahresergebnis/Halbjahresbericht HORNBACH Gruppe mit solidem Ergebnis im 2. Quartal 2024/25 25.09.2024 / 07:00 CET/CEST Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. HORNBACH Gruppe mit solidem Ergebnis im 2. Quartal 2024/25 Nettoumsatz im ersten Halbjahr auf Vorjahresniveau Marktanteile in mehreren Ländern erfolgreich ausgebaut – Kundenfrequenz im ersten Halbjahr um +1,6% gesteigert Erfolgreiches Management der Bestände, Kosten und Margen führte zu einem bereinigten EBIT in ...

Baptiste Salaville ... (+3)
  • Baptiste Salaville
  • Charlotte Vaisse
  • Fehmi Ben Naamane


CF Alba, the March family holding company, invests in listed and unlisted companies where it identifies strong potential, regardless of the investment horizon. Since 1993, it has achieved a total annualized shareholder return of +11%, beating the EuroStoxx index by 3pp. The company currently trades at a c.50% discount to its NAV which is close to its historical maximum. We initiate coverage with an Outperform rating and a target price of € 68, representing a discount to its NAV of 35...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Credit Morning 09/23/2024

Atalian has extended the term of its €250m factoring facilityCommerzbank: German authorities no longer intend to sell the remaining 12% until further noticeCMA CGM is to acquire port terminal operator Santos Brasil>...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Morning Crédit 23/09/2024

Atalian a prolongé l’échéance de sa ligne d’affacturage de 250 m EURCommerzbank : les autorités allemandes ne comptent plus céder les 12% restants jusqu’à nouvel ordreCMA CGM va racheter l'opérateur de terminaux portuaires Santos Brasil>...

Baptiste Salaville ... (+3)
  • Baptiste Salaville
  • Charlotte Vaisse
  • Fehmi Ben Naamane


CF Alba, the March family holding company, invests in listed and unlisted companies where it identifies strong potential, regardless of the investment horizon. Since 1993, it has achieved a total annualized shareholder return of +11%, beating the EuroStoxx index by 3pp. The company currently trades at a c.50% discount to its NAV which is close to its historical maximum. We initiate coverage with an Outperform rating and a target price of € 68, representing a discount to its NAV of 35...

Fehmi Ben Naamane ... (+2)
  • Fehmi Ben Naamane
  • Johanna Jourdain

ODDO : July/August: two high-flying months for European hotels

>Western Europe: RevPAR growth of ~15% y-o-y in July/August - Based on the RevPAR figures in western Europe for August (+17.3% y-o-y according to STR with price growth of +15.3%), growth over July/August stands at +15% on average. This very positive trend was driven very largely by prices, with occupancy rates up 1%. The performance, which is exceptional in the context, was underpinned by strong leisure demand in Europe but also, importantly, by France (RevPAR at 9.2%...

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