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COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: NATURGY, OHLA. El mercado se decanta por recortes de 50 puntos hoy para la Fed Nueva sesión de avances en Europa, después de que los últimos datos desde EE.UU. muestran que el gasto del consumidor está aguantando y la producción industrial intenta despertar. En el STOXX 600 destacaron las subidas de Retail y Viajes&Ocio mientras que Inmobiliario y Farma presentaron las mayores correcciones. Por el lado macro, en Alemania el índice ZEW de septiembre...

Research Department
  • Research Department


NEWS SUMMARY: NATURGY, OHLA. The market bets on 50bps cuts today by the Fed It was a new session of gains for European stock markets after the latest macro data released in the US showed that consumer spending is keeping up and industrial output is trying to recover. Thus, in the STOXX 600 Retail and Travel&Leisure led gains, whereas Real Estate and Pharma posted the biggest drops. On the macro side, in Germany, September’s ZEW index came in much worse than expected both in terms of expectation...


VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Airports traffic in August 2024

VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Airports traffic in August 2024 Nanterre, 17 September 2024 VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Airports traffic in August 2024 I-      Change in VINCI Autoroutes’ intercity networks traffic   August YTD at the end of August(8 months)   % change 2024/2023 % change 2024/2023 VINCI Autoroutes +3.7% −0.5% Light vehicles +4.5% −0.4% Heavy vehicles −4.9% −1.3% In August, traffic levels were impacted by various calendar effects: i/ favourable for light vehicles (one Saturday more than in 2...


Trafics de VINCI Autoroutes et de VINCI Airports en août 2024

Trafics de VINCI Autoroutes et de VINCI Airports en août 2024 Nanterre, le 17 septembre 2024 Trafics de VINCI Autoroutes et de VINCI Airports en août 2024 I-      Évolution du trafic des réseaux interurbains de VINCI Autoroutes  AoûtCumul à fin août(8 mois)  Variation 2024/2023Variation 2024/2023VINCI Autoroutes+3,7 %−0,5 % Véhicules légers+4,5 %−0,4 % Poids lourds−4,9 %−1,3 % En août, le trafic a été impacté par divers effets calendaires : i/ favorables pour les véhicules légers (un samedi en plus par rapport à 2023) ; ii/ défavorables pour les poids lourds (un jour ouvré de moins cette ...


PARIS FC and VINCI present a new programme for Paris FC Academy youths

PARIS FC and VINCI present a new programme for Paris FC Academy youths Paris FC and VINCI step up their socio-educational partnership with a programme designed specifically for Paris FC Academy students, under VINCI's nationwide Give Me Five programme. Paris FC is proud to announce, alongside its long-standing partner, that it has launched a new programme specifically aimed at building sustainable career paths, which it will roll out over the academic year starting in September 2024. This innovative project stems from VINCI's Give Me Five programme and is tailored to some 60 students i...


Le Paris FC et VINCI dévoilent un nouveau dispositif pour les jeunes d...

Le Paris FC et VINCI dévoilent un nouveau dispositif pour les jeunes de la Paris FC Academy  Le Paris FC et VINCI renforcent leur partenariat socio-éducatif en lançant un dispositif spécialement conçu pour les élèves de la Paris FC Academy, dans le cadre du programme national Give Me Five de VINCI. Le Paris FC est fier d'annoncer, aux côtés de son partenaire historique, le lancement d'un nouveau dispositif dédié pour l'année scolaire 2024-2025, au service de la construction de parcours professionnels durables. Ce projet innovant est issu du programme Give Me Five de VINCI, spécialemen...

Luis Arredondo
  • Luis Arredondo


Acaba de confirmar los compromisos de inversión vinculantes y las condiciones de la ampliación de capital de 150 M euros

Research Department
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COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: COLONIAL, IBERDROLA. EUROPA: AIRBUS, UNICREDIT. El BCE se muestra más cauto y el Ibex bate un nuevo máximo del año Las bolsas europeas cerraron a la baja acompañadas de comentarios más cautos desde el BCE. En el STOXX 600 los mayores avances fueron en Retail y Hogar mientras que Tecnología y Autos terminaron con las mayores correcciones. Por el lado macro, en la Eurozona los costes laborales y los salarios del 2T’24 se moderaron hasta el 4,7% y 4,5%...

Research Department
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NEWS SUMMARY: COLONIAL, IBERDROLA. The ECB is more cautious European stock markets ended with corrections, with more cautious comments from the ECB. Thus, in the STOXX 600 Retail and Household led gains, whereas Technology and Autos posted the biggest drops. On the macro side, in the euro zone, the 2Q’24 labour costs and wages moderated to 4.7% and 4.5%, respectively (from 5.0% and 5.2% previously). From the ECB, the chief economist P. Lane was in favour of gradually easing the monetary restric...


Disclosure of transactions in own shares from September 09th to Septem...

Disclosure of transactions in own shares from September 09th to September 13rd, 2024          Nanterre, September 16th, 2024                         Disclosure of transactions in own shares                                                 From September 09th to September 13rd, 2024 Within the framework of the authorization granted by the General Meeting of VINCI SA of April 09, 2024, to trade in its shares and in accordance with the regulations relating to share buybacks, VINCISA (LEI:213800WFQ334R8UXUG83) declares the purchases of treasury shares below (FR0000125486), carried out From S...


Disclosure of transactions in own shares from September 09th to Septem...

Disclosure of transactions in own shares from September 09th to September 13rd, 2024          Nanterre, September 16th, 2024                         Disclosure of transactions in own shares                                                 From September 09th to September 13rd, 2024 Within the framework of the authorization granted by the General Meeting of VINCI SA of April 09, 2024, to trade in its shares and in accordance with the regulations relating to share buybacks, VINCISA (LEI:213800WFQ334R8UXUG83) declares the purchases of treasury shares below (FR0000125486), carried out From S...



VINCI :                                                                                          Nanterre, le 16 septembre 2024                                             Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres Du 09 Septembre au 13 Septembre 2024 Dans le cadre de l’autorisation consentie par l’Assemblée générale de VINCI SA du 9 avril 2024 pour opérer sur ses actions et conformément à la réglementation relative aux rachats d’action, VINCI SA (LEI: 213800WFQ334R8UXUG83) déclare ci-après les achats d’actions propres (FR0000125486) réalisés du 09 Septembre au 13 septembre 2024 :...

Ana Arjona-Martinez ... (+3)
  • Ana Arjona-Martinez
  • Chaima Ferrandon
  • Sven Edelfelt

ODDO : Down but not out

>The Constitutional Council validates the motorway tax - Yesterday, the Constitutional Council validated a tax on transport infrastructure deeming that this tax does not constitute "a breach of equality with other transport infrastructure operators", nor an "excessive burden with regard to their ability to pay".This tax is based on the share of revenue above € 120m for a rate set at 4.6% of revenue (not deductible from the result taxable for corporate income tax...

Research Department
  • Research Department


NEWS SUMMARY: ACS, CHANGES IBEX, IBERDROLA, OHLA. ECB follows the script Another session of gains in Europe that was largely unaffected by the ECB, which lowered rates as expected. The IBEX again led the advance, closing above 11,400 points. Thus, in the STOXX 600 almost all sectors closed with gains, led by Basic Materials and Technology, with Utilities and Pharma being the worst performers with slight drops. On the macro side, the ECB lowered the deposit facility rate by -25bps and the margin...

Research Department
  • Research Department


COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: ACS, CAMBIOS IBEX 35, IBERDROLA, OHLA. EUROPA: VINCI. El BCE sigue su curso Nueva jornada de ganancias en Europa sin verse muy afectadas por un BCE que bajó los tipos como esperado. El Ibex lideró nuevamente los avances hasta cerrar al filo de los 11.400 puntos. Así, en el STOXX 600 casi todos los sectores cerraron con ganancias, lideradas por Recursos Básicos y Tecnología frente al peor comportamiento de Utilities y Farma que mostraron modestas caí...

Ana Arjona-Martinez ... (+3)
  • Ana Arjona-Martinez
  • Chaima Ferrandon
  • Sven Edelfelt

ODDO : Soufflé n’est pas joué

>Le Conseil Constitutionnel valide la taxe sur les autoroutes - Le Conseil Constitutionnel a validé hier la taxe sur les infrastructures de transport en estimant que cette taxe ne constituait pas « une rupture d'égalité avec les autres exploitants d'infrastructures de transport », ni une « charge excessive au regard de leurs facultés contributives ».Cette taxe est assise sur la fraction des revenus excédant 120 M€ pour un taux fixé à 4.6 % du CA (non déductible ...

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