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Dave Nicoski ... (+2)
  • Dave Nicoski
  • Ross LaDuke

Vermilion Short Shots: Technically Vulnerable Stocks

Short Shots is a collection of technically vulnerable charts culled from the Negative Inflecting and Toppy columns within our Weekly Compass report or from various technical screening processes. The charts contained in this report have developed concerning technical patterns that suggest further price deterioration is likely. For these reasons Short Shots can also be a great source of ideas for investors interested in short-selling candidates.

Research Department
  • Research Department


COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: ECOENER, GREENING, GRIFOLS, TELEFÓNICA. EUROPA: BASF, UNICREDIT. Freno al optimismo en bolsa Jornada negativa en Europa después de las ganancias de las últimas sesiones que habían lanzado al Ibex por encima de los 11.800 puntos y máximos de 2015. Así, en el STOXX 600 los mejores sectores fueron B. Consumo y Hogar frente a Energía y Autos que sufrieron las mayores caídas. Por el lado macro, en EE.UU. la venta de viviendas nuevas cayó menos de lo prev...

Louis Boujard ... (+3)
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA
  • Philippe Ourpatian

ODDO : A gradual weaning

‘Soft landing’... the term is in vogue and we think it aptly describes the current situation in the energy market. After a period of “excess profits”, the fundamentals are back in favour and prompt us to revise down our estimates for energy prices. - Alongside renewable energies, pockets of sustainable value creation are emerging for players capable of capitalising on the structural growth in volatility on the electricity markets but which are nonetheless trading at a discount In ...

Louis Boujard ... (+3)
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA
  • Philippe Ourpatian

ODDO : Un sevrage dans la douceur

“Soft landing”… le terme est à la mode et nous pensons qu’il caractérise bien la situation du marché de l’énergie aujourd’hui. Après une parenthèse de « surprofits », les fondamentaux reprennent leur droit et nous conduisent à réviser en baisse nos hypothèses de prix de l’énergie. A côté du renouvelable, des poches pérennes de création de valeur apparaissent pour les acteurs capables de profiter de la croissance structurelle de la volatilité des marchés électriques et qui souffre...

Research Department
  • Research Department


COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: OHLA, SACYR, SANTANDER, TALGO. EUROPA: DHL, PROSUS, SAP. China anima a parte del mercado Los sectores cíclicos de Europa reaccionaron con fuertes subidas al anuncio de estímulos por parte de la Autoridad Monetaria china (PBoC). Así, en el STOXX 600 los mejores sectores fueron R. Básicos y B. Consumo (lujo) frente a Inmobiliario y S. Financieros que sufrieron las mayores caídas. Por el lado macro, en Alemania el IFO de septiembre descendió algo más d...

Research Department
  • Research Department


COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: GRIFOLS, MINOR HOTELS, VISCOFAN. EUROPA: MERCEDES BENZ GROUP, VOLKSWAGEN El mercado, y sobre todo los cíclicos, celebran la decisión de la Fed Las bolsas europeas subieron con fuerza el jueves a pesar de la apreciación del euro, con la confianza de que la Fed logrará un aterrizaje “suave” de la economía estadounidense. En el STOXX 600 los mejores fueron cíclicos muy castigados recientemente como Tecnología y R. Básicos mientras que Utilities y Telec...

Research Department
  • Research Department


NEWS SUMMARY: GRIFOLS, MINOR HOTELS, VISCOFAN. The market and mainly cyclical stocks welcome the Fed’s decision European stock markets climbed significantly yesterday despite the appreciation of the euro, remaining confident that the Fed will enable a soft landing of the US economy. Thus, in the STOXX 600 cyclical stocks severely and recently hit such as Technology and Basic Resources were the best performers whereas Utilities and Telecoms posted the biggest drops. On the macro side, in the UK...

Research Department
  • Research Department


COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: NATURGY, OHLA. El mercado se decanta por recortes de 50 puntos hoy para la Fed Nueva sesión de avances en Europa, después de que los últimos datos desde EE.UU. muestran que el gasto del consumidor está aguantando y la producción industrial intenta despertar. En el STOXX 600 destacaron las subidas de Retail y Viajes&Ocio mientras que Inmobiliario y Farma presentaron las mayores correcciones. Por el lado macro, en Alemania el índice ZEW de septiembre...

Research Department
  • Research Department


NEWS SUMMARY: NATURGY, OHLA. The market bets on 50bps cuts today by the Fed It was a new session of gains for European stock markets after the latest macro data released in the US showed that consumer spending is keeping up and industrial output is trying to recover. Thus, in the STOXX 600 Retail and Travel&Leisure led gains, whereas Real Estate and Pharma posted the biggest drops. On the macro side, in Germany, September’s ZEW index came in much worse than expected both in terms of expectation...

Research Department
  • Research Department


NEWS SUMMARY: COLONIAL, IBERDROLA. The ECB is more cautious European stock markets ended with corrections, with more cautious comments from the ECB. Thus, in the STOXX 600 Retail and Household led gains, whereas Technology and Autos posted the biggest drops. On the macro side, in the euro zone, the 2Q’24 labour costs and wages moderated to 4.7% and 4.5%, respectively (from 5.0% and 5.2% previously). From the ECB, the chief economist P. Lane was in favour of gradually easing the monetary restric...

Research Department
  • Research Department


NEWS SUMMARY: GRIFOLS, IAG, NATURGY. Stock markets rallied last week Stock markets ended with gains on both sides of the Atlantic last week, recovering part of the latest corrections and trying to return to the highs hit thanks to cyclical and growth sectors. The Ibex35 led gains last week, hitting new annual highs above 11,500 points. Thus, in the STOXX 600 most sectors closed with gains, led by Technology and Retail, with Autos and Consumer Goods being the only sectors ending in negative terr...

Research Department
  • Research Department


COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: GRIFOLS, IAG, NATURGY. EUROPA: ENI. Semana de rebote en las bolsas Las bolsas europeas terminaron la semana pasada con avances a ambos lados del Atlántico, recuperando parte de las últimas caídas y buscando volver a su zona de máximos de la mano de los cíclicos y el growth. El Ibex 35 lideró las subidas de la semana, marcando nuevos máximos anuales por encima de los 11.500 puntos. Así, en el STOXX 600 mayoría de ganancias en los sectores, lideradas ...

Ahmed Ben Salem ... (+2)
  • Ahmed Ben Salem
  • Thijs Berkelder

ODDO : IEA report: a surplus in 2025 that is acting as a drag on price...

>Growth in demand slowing due to China - The IEA has just published its monthly report in which it has revised further down its demand growth estimates by 70kb/d to +900 kb/d for 2024 and by 30 kb/d to +950 kb/d for 2025. This level compares with +1.2 Mb/d pre-Covid and a record of +2.1 Mb/d in 2023, an exceptional year marked by a catch-up effect. This decline is mainly due to the slowdown in China, which contributes to the tune of ~60% to growth in global demand....

Ahmed Ben Salem ... (+2)
  • Ahmed Ben Salem
  • Thijs Berkelder

ODDO : Rapport AIE : un surplus en 2025 qui pèse sur les cours. Scénar...

>La croissance de la demande ralentit à cause de la Chine - L’AIE vient de publier son rapport mensuel et révise une nouvelle fois en baisse ses estimations de croissance de la demande de 70 kb/j à +900 kb/j pour 2024 et de 30 kb/j à +950 kb/j pour 2025. Ce niveau se compare à +1.2 Mb/j avant le COVID et un record de +2.1 Mb/j en 2023, une année exceptionnelle marquée par un effet rattrapage. Cette baisse s’explique pour l’essentiel par le ralentissement en Chine, ...

Repsol S.A. - June 2024 (LTM): Peer Snapshot

Compares key performance metrics against industry peers.

Research Department
  • Research Department


NEWS SUMMARY: ACCIONA, FCC, GRIFOLS, INDRA, SACYR. The correction continues in Europe European stock markets saw new corrections, given the contagion effect from the US market and doubts about growth Thus, in the STOXX 600, Real Estate and Telecoms led the gains vs. Technology (hit by NVIDIA’s correction) and Consumer Goods (following the weak Chinese manufacturing data) posted the biggest drops. On the macro side, in the euro zone, August’s final services PMI was cut by Germany. In Spain, even...

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