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Rheinmetall AG: 1 director

A director at Rheinmetall AG bought 100 shares at 486.900EUR and the significance rating of the trade was 55/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly ...

BAE Systems: 1 director

A director at BAE Systems sold 56,000 shares at 1,341p and the significance rating of the trade was 100/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly showi...

KBC Group N.V.: Key facts and statistics - H1 June 2024

A summary company profile, detailing KBC Group N.V.’s business operations and financial highlights.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft - June 2024 (LTM): Peer Snapshot

Compares key performance metrics against industry peers.

Maureen Schuller ... (+2)
  • Maureen Schuller
  • Suvi Platerink Kosonen

Bank Brunch/Bank Millennium's green bail-in senior bond, KBC AT1, UniC...

Bank Millennium adds to Polish non-preferred senior supply with a new green 5NC4 bond. Net capital impact of KBC's AT1 transactions slightly positive for now. UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia's new covered

Oliver Metzger ... (+2)
  • Oliver Metzger
  • Wim Gille


La prochaine acquisition de Campari pourrait être en Inde et intervenir rapidement, selon nous. Rapidement d’abord pour que le groupe puisse pleinement profiter du dynamisme de ce marché. Rapidement ensuite pour se prémunir du ralentissement actuel des liqueurs et apéritifs (L&A) en Europe, segment dont il est historiquement très dépendant. Malgré l’intérêt stratégique du marché indien, une telle opération de M&A pourrait se révéler risquée en s’ajoutant aux multiples défis opérationn...

Oliver Metzger ... (+2)
  • Oliver Metzger
  • Wim Gille


Campari’s next acquisition might be in India and could materialise quickly, in our view. Speed is of the essence: first so that the group can take full advantage of the dynamic growth of this market; and second to guard against the current slowdown in liqueurs and aperitifs (L&A) in Europe, a segment on which it has historically been very reliant. Despite the strategic value that the Indian market offers, such an M&A deal could prove risky by adding to the multiple operational challen...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles

ODDO : Rumeurs de cessez-le-feu en Ukraine: attention au sociétés expo...

>Des rumeurs de cessez-le-feu en Ukraine qui se multiplient - Un article de Bloomberg a ravivé hier les rumeurs de discussions pouvant amener à une fin négociée du conflit en Ukraine. Sans citer de sources, les journalistes rapportaient que certains alliés commençaient à discuter de la manière dont le conflit pouvait se terminer et que la période entre les élections présidentielles américaines et l’investiture (entre novembre et janvier) pourrait offrir une fenêtre d’...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles

ODDO : Rumours of a ceasefire in Ukraine: watch out for groups exposed...

>Rumours of a ceasefire in Ukraine are multiplying - An article in Bloomberg yesterday revived rumours of talks aimed at negotiating an end to the conflict in Ukraine. Without citing any sources, journalists report that certain allies were beginning to discuss the manner in which the conflict could be brought to an end and that the period between the US presidential elections and investiture (between November and January) could offer a window of opportunity. Last Sund...

Bruno Cavalier ... (+4)
  • Bruno Cavalier
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA
  • Philippe Ourpatian


At the 15th edition of our Corporate Conference, hosted jointly by ODDO BHF and Commerzbank, the presenting corporates were still focused on the macroeconomic environment and the related impact on their sectors. Regionally, the US remains resilient at good levels, while China and Europe are lagging behind. Germany in particular is seen as sluggish. Hence, we observed a mixed picture across the 89 companies presenting at our conference. We were positively surprised by statements from a...

Bruno Cavalier ... (+4)
  • Bruno Cavalier
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA
  • Philippe Ourpatian


At the 15th edition of our Corporate Conference, hosted jointly by ODDO BHF and Commerzbank, the presenting corporates were still focused on the macroeconomic environment and the related impact on their sectors. Regionally, the US remains resilient at good levels, while China and Europe are lagging behind. Germany in particular is seen as sluggish. Hence, we observed a mixed picture across the 89 companies presenting at our conference. We were positively surprised by statements from a...

Louis Boujard ... (+3)
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA
  • Philippe Ourpatian

ODDO : Curtailments in Brazil, limited impact on Iberdrola, Enel and E...

>Recap of the announcement made by Votalia on 20 August - On 20 August, Voltalia announced that the Brazilian transmission network operator was imposing a sizeable curtailment on some parts of the network which will impact group 2024 EBITDA to the tune of € 40m, if these measures to reduce inflow continue over the next few months and if the group is not compensated financially. The curtailment on production volumes for Voltalia in the northeast portion of the network ...

Louis Boujard ... (+3)
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA
  • Philippe Ourpatian

ODDO : Les effacements au Brésil, peu d’impacts sur Iberdrola, Enel et...

>Rappel des faits annoncés par Voltalia le 20 août dernier - Le 20 août dernier, Voltalia a annoncé que l’opérateur du réseau de transmission brésilien impose actuellement des écrêtements prononcés dans certaines parties du réseau qui impacterait l’EBITDA 2024 du groupe à hauteur de 40 M€, si ces mesures de réduction d’injection se prolongeaient au cours des prochains mois et si le groupe n’était pas compensé financièrement. Le volume d’écrêtement de la production de ...

Oliver Metzger ... (+2)
  • Oliver Metzger
  • Sinan Doganli

ODDO : First feedback – DAY 2

We host the 15th edition of the Corporate Conference in cooperation with Commerzbank on September 3rd & 4th 2024 in Frankfurt am Main. This year we are welcoming 90 German small, mid and large cap companies. - >Accelor Mittal (=) – Heading for better H2 despite still soft underlying markets, no change on VallourecAdesso (=) – IT-solutions segment will continue to be a drag on profitability in H2 2024Aurubis (+) – Announced disposal for its US-based finished ...

Manuel Martin ... (+3)
  • Manuel Martin
  • CEFA
  • CREA

LEG Immobilien : LEG set to further benefit from improving conditions ...

>Ongoing rent increases driving AFFO - This week, we met LEG´s investor relations at our Corporate Conference in Frankfurt. LEG confirmed that the structural supply/demand imbalance is causing ongoing rent increases in German residential real estate which will continue to drive LEG´s AFFO. There are no signs of the supply/demand imbalance ending and only a few new constructions are coming to market.Decelerating devaluations – first stabilise LTV, then swi...

Munchener Ruckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG: 1 director

A director at Munchener Ruckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG sold 500 shares at 495.250EUR and the significance rating of the trade was 68/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over ...

Moody's Ratings says Siemens is gaining more traction on digital bonds

Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has assigned an Aa3 rating to Siemens Aktiengesellschaft's (Siemens, Aa3 stable) new €300 million digital bond, in line with Siemens' issuer rating. The bond has been registered on the blockchain, instead of a central securities depository. While Siemens funding remains hig...

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