4Q'24 vs. 4Q'23 Results Sales: € 171.4 M (-5.7% vs. -5.8% consensus); EBITDA: € -104.4 M (€ 18.2 M in FY2023 vs. € 19.3 M consensus); FY2024 vs. FY2023 Results Sales: € 669.2 M (+2.6% vs. n/a BS(e) and +2.6% consensus); EBITDA: € -46.7 M (€ 82.7 M in FY2023 vs. € 77.0 M consensus); Net Profit: € -107.9 M (€ 12.2 M in FY2023 vs. € 16.0 M consensus); The results were poor, hit by the provision from the Renfe fine (€ 116 M, no impact on cash, resulting from the delayed delivery of 30 VHS trains, of...
Velas izadas, viento en popa y tierra a la vista. Elevamos un +29% el P.O. SOBREPONDERAR Los pedidos de Digital Industries (DI; 24% ventas) crecieron en los últimos Rdos., anticipando una recuperación del negocio, que lleva 5 trimestres decreciendo. Así, en 2025 con velas izadas, todas las divisiones de SIE estarían creciendo y con catalizadores a la vista, que esperamos se materialicen más pronto que tarde (desinversión de Siemens Energy y Healthineers). Elevamos el P.O. un +29% (+16% potencial...
Rdos. 4T'24 vs 4T'23: Ventas: 171,4 M euros (-5,7% vs-5,8% consenso); EBITDA: -104,4 M euros (18,2 M euros en 2023 vs 19,3 M euros consenso). Rdos. 2024 vs 2023: Ventas: 669,2 M euros (+2,6% vs +2,6% consenso); EBITDA: -46,7 M euros (82,7 M euros en 2023 vs 77,0 M euros consenso); BDI: -107,9 M euros (12,2 M euros en 2023 vs 16,0 M euros consenso).
NEWS SUMMARY: GRUPO CATALANA OCCIDENTE, REPSOL, TALGO, TELEFÓNICA, UNICAJA. The Ibex continues to lead Europe It was a volatile week for European stock markets, fuelled by business resuts and dragged down by D. Trump’s comments about the implementation of 25% tariffs to Europe. The Ibex climbed around +3.0% last week, exceeding 13,300 points. Thus, in the STOXX 600, Banks and Insurance were the best performers last week vs. Media and Technology that posted the biggest drops. On the macro side,...
COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: GRUPO CATALANA OCCIDENTE, REPSOL, TALGO, TELEFÓNICA, UNICAJA. EUROPA: SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, SIEMENS. Incluido en el informe diario de hoy, y durante toda la campaña de resultados, incorporamos al final una presentación con los resultados destacados en positivo y negativo y previews de Rdos. 4T’24 que se publicarán en España y Europa en los próximos días. El Ibex sigue liderando en Europa Semana volátil en las bolsas europeas, impulsadas por los resul...
A director at Schneider Electric SE bought 505 shares at 230.600EUR and the significance rating of the trade was 61/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years c...
FY2024 vs. FY2023: Premiums: € 5.6063 Bn (+3.4% vs. +1.9% BS(e) and +2.6% consensus). Ordinary Net Profit Traditional Business: € 292.3 M (+11.9% vs. +10.9% BS(e) and +9.1% consensus). Ordinary Net Profit Credit Insurance: € 392.3 M (+7.3% vs. +4.9% BS(e) and +10.2% consensus). Ordinary Net Profit Funeral: € 15.1 M (+33.1% vs. +33.9% BS(e) and +38.6% consensus). Ordinary Net Profit Group: € 637 M (+10.5% vs. +8.5% BS(e) and +11.2% consensus). Net Profit: € 623.2 M (+12.9% vs. +17.3% BS(e) and +1...
NEWS SUMMARY: ACERINOX, ACCIONA, ACCIONA ENERGÍA, ACS, AMADEUS, COLONIAL, ENCE, FERROVIAL, GRIFOLS, MELIÁ HOTELES, MERLIN PROPERTIES, PUIG BRANDS, REPSOL, SACYR, VISCOFAN. At the end of today’s report, and during the entire results season, we will include a presentation with positive and negative results highlights and previews for the 4Q’24 results to be released over the coming days in Spain. Losses in Europe Despite many companies releasing their 4Q’24 results yesterday, the session was mar...
COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: ACERINOX, ACCIONA, ACCIONA ENERGÍA, ACS, AMADEUS, COLONIAL, ENCE, FERROVIAL, GRIFOLS, MELIÁ HOTELES, MERLIN PROPERTIES, PUIG BRANDS, REPSOL, SACYR, VIDRALA, VISCOFAN. EUROPA: ALLIANZ, BASF, ENI. Incluido en el informe diario de hoy, y durante toda la campaña de resultados, incorporamos al final una presentación con los resultados destacados en positivo y negativo y previews de Rdos. 4T’24 que se publicarán en España y Europa en los próximos días. P...
Rdos. 2024 vs 2023: Primas: 5.606,3 M euros (+3,4% vs +1,9% BS(e) y +2,6% consenso). BDI ordinario negocio tradicional: 292,3 M euros (+11,9% vs +10,9% BS(e) y +9,1% consenso). BDI ordinario Seg. Crédito: 392,3 M euros (+7,3% vs +4,9% BS(e) y +10,2% consenso). BDI ordinario neg, funerario: 15,1 M euros (+33,1% vs +33,9% BS(e) y +38,6% consenso). BDI ordinario grupo: 637 M euros (+10,5% vs +8,5% BS(e) y +11,2% consenso). BDI: 623,2 M euros (+12,9% vs +17,3% BS(e) y +15,1% consenso).
Telefonica has reported a decent set of Q4 numbers, and the guidance outlook for 2025 seems decent, albeit poorly presented. However, a pending strategic review still leaves uncertainty on the strategic direction for the company under the new CEO and its capital allocation approach
4Q'24 vs. 4Q'23 Results Sales: € 10.701 Bn (+5.4% vs. +3.1% BS(e) and +2.5% consensus); EBITDA: € 1.701 Bn (-5.2% vs. +110.4% BS(e) and +107.8% consensus); EBIT: € -511.0 M (€ -382.0 M in FY2023 vs. € 1.637 Bn BS(e) and € 1.561 Bn consensus); Net Profit: € -1.003.0 M (€ -2.154.0 M in FY2023 vs. € 823.0 M BS(e) and € 749.0 M consensus); FY2024 vs. FY2023 Results Sales: € 41.119 Bn (+1.1% vs. +0.6% BS(e) and +0.4% consensus); EBITDA: € 11.071 Bn (-2.8% vs. +15.4% BS(e) and +15.0% consensus); EBIT:...
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