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Raiffeisen Research Institutional Equity Daily 22.04.2022

 AT: AMAG - Multi-year order from Ruag Aerostructures (positive)  AT: IMMOFINANZ - Radka Doehring appointed as a memeber of the executive board (neutral)  AT: Polytec - FY 21 results broadly in line with expectations, no guidance on FY 22 (neutral)  CZ: CEZ - CEZ to extend Detmarovice hard coal-fired power plant life byond H1 2023 for security of supply reasons (neutral)  PL: PGNiG - Disappointing crude output and lower gas distribution volumes to weigh on Q1 earning (negative)  RU: Fertil...

Raiffeisen Research Institutional Equity Daily 13.04.2022

 AT: Flughafen Wien - March traffic statistics show sequential improvements (positive)  AT: S IMMO - Acquisition of 41.5 k sqm Business Park in Bucharest (neutral)  HU: Magyar Telekom - AGM approves HUF 15 bn dividend (neutral)  PL: Bank Millennium - Q1 22 pre-earnings call (neutral)  PL: Bank Pekao - Q1 22 pre-earnings call (neutral)  PL: LPP - Higher inventories maintained allowing for 4 months of sales (neutral)  PL: mBank - Informing about Q1 level of FX mortgage related risk provisio...

Andrey Gromadin ... (+7)
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Igor Rapokhin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - March 21, 2022

MARKET COMMENT - EQUITIES FROZEN, CAPITAL CONTROLS REMAIN AMID FALLOUT OF "SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATION"EPAM Systems surged 8% and VEON 22%, while Polymetal fell 14% on Friday. The ruble fell 1.6-1.7% both in Moscow and offshore to trade around USD/RUB 104-105. While equities remain frozen, trading of ruble-denominated OFZ sovereign debt will resume today. STORIES> How the balance of payments is likely to evolve amid the crisis> Monetary policy set to be stimulatory for a couple of years> CBR Revi...

Andrey Gromadin ... (+8)
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Chernyshev
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Igor Rapokhin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - 21 марта 2022

КОММЕНТАРИЙ И ПРОГНОЗ - ТОРГОВЛЯ АКЦИЯМИ ПО-ПРЕЖНЕМУ ЗАМОРОЖЕНА, ОГРАНИЧЕНИЯ НА ДВИЖЕНИЕ КАПИТАЛА СОХРАНЯЮТСЯБумаги EPAM Systems выросли в пятницу в цене на 8%, VEON - на 22%, Polymetal подешевел на 14%. Рубль в Москве и на зарубежных площадках ослаб на 1,6-1,7% до 104-105 за доллар. Торговля акциями на МосБирже по-прежнему заморожена, но сегодня должны возобновиться торги ОФЗ. НОВОСТИ> Денежно-кредитная политика станет стимулирующей> Перспективы платежного баланса в условиях кризиса> Итоги засе...

Andrew Keeley ... (+2)
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Arthur Cherkesov

VTB - Suspension of Coverage

Due to the introduction of blocking sanctions, we are suspending coverage of VTB and withdrawing our estimates, target price and recommendation.

Raiffeisen Research Institutional Equity Daily 18.02.2022

 AT: Rosenbauer - Preliminary FY 21 results in line with reduced guidance and RBIe but weaker than expected margin outlook for FY 22 (negative)  AT: Vienna Insurance Group - Headline FY 21 figures to exceed guidance and expectations (positive)  HU: MOL - Clean Q4 earnings slightly above consensus, but lower 2022 earnings and sFCF guidance (neutral)  RU: Novatek - Capex program is set at RUB 200 bn for 2022e (neutral)  RU: Russian Steel - FAS fines should be based on 2020 revenue (positive)

Andrey Gromadin ... (+8)
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - February 18, 2022

MARKET COMMENT - NEW RUSSIA-US DIPLOMATIC MEETING EASES SOME MARKET CONCERNSThe RTS sank 4.9% to 1,450 yesterday, sharply underperforming peers after a series of concerning political headlines in the afternoon. However, the announcement of a meeting next week between the top Russian and US diplomats has helped ease the tensions, and RTS futures are up 1.8% early this morning. The global backdrop has also improved to mixed after a weak day for global stock markets.STORIES> EPFR: Russia sees bette...

Andrey Gromadin ... (+9)
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Chernyshev
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Dmitry Troshin
  • Georgiy Ivanin
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - 18 февраля 2022

КОММЕНТАРИЙ И ПРОГНОЗ - НОВАЯ ЗАПЛАНИРОВАННАЯ ВСТРЕЧА ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЕЙ РОССИИ И США НЕСКОЛЬКО УСПОКОИЛА РЫНОКИндекс РТС вчера снизился на 4,9% до 1 450 пунктов, сильно отстав от других развивающихся рынков после ряда тревожных политических новостей. Однако сообщение о запланированной на следующую неделю встрече российских и американских дипломатов немного сгладило ситуацию, и сегодня утром фьючерсы на индекс РТС прибавили 1,8%. Ситуация на глобальных фондовых рынках также немного улучшилась. НОВОС...

Andrew Keeley ... (+8)
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Arthur Cherkesov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - February 17, 2022

MARKET COMMENT - REFRESHED UKRAINE WORRIES ON DONBASS VIOLENCE, US ACCUSATIONSThe RTS gained 1.8% yesterday to reach 1,525, but early this morning futures are down more than 3%. Claims of ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine, US allegations of rising Russian troop deployments and a generally poor global backdrop are weighing on the market. Last night's MSCI Russia 10-40 pricing, several company events, EU and NATO summits, and scheduled remarks from top Russian officials are among the events ...

Andrew Keeley ... (+9)
  • Andrew Keeley
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Chernyshev
  • Anton Stroutchenevski
  • Artem Vinogradov
  • Arthur Cherkesov
  • Cole Akeson
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - 17 февраля 2022

КОММЕНТАРИЙ И ПРОГНОЗ - СИТУАЦИЯ ВОКРУГ УКРАИНЫ ВНОВЬ ВЫЗЫВАЕТ ОБЕСПОКОЕННОСТЬ ИЗ-ЗА ОБОСТРЕНИЯ СИТУАЦИИ В ДОНБАССЕ И ОБВИНЕНИЙ СШАВчера индекс РТС вырос на 1,8% до 1 525 пунктов, но сегодня утром вновь теряет более 3%. Сообщения о нарушении режима прекращения огня на востоке Украины, заявления США об усилении российского военного присутствия на границе с Украиной и в целом негативный глобальный фон оказывают сейчас давление на рынок. Сегодня в центре внимания - вчерашнее изменение состава индек...

Novatek Q4 21 - Total DPS for 2021 might set a new record of RUB 70.2

EBITDA was close to projections despite higher than anticipated revenue Strong net income pushes Novateks DPS to RUB 70.2 for 2021 First dividends from Yamal LNG supported free cash flow in Q4 21 We consider the results to be neutral for the stock

NOVATEK MICROELECT sees a downgrade to Negative on account of less fun...

The independent financial analyst theScreener just lowered the general evaluation of NOVATEK MICROELECT (TW), active in the Semiconductors industry. As regards its fundamental valuation, the title now shows 1 out of 4 stars while market behaviour can be considered risky. theScreener believes that the title remains under pressure due to the loss of a star(s) and downgrades its general evaluation to Negative. As of the analysis date February 15, 2022, the closing price was TWD 453.00 and its targe...

Andrey Gromadin ... (+6)
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Cole Akeson
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Maria Martynova
  • Research Team
  • Sergey Donskoy

CIS Market Daily - February 15, 2022

MARKET COMMENT - RTS'S 5% INTRADAY DECLINE PARED BY FOLLOWING POLICY REMARKSThe RTS ultimately fell 3% yesterday, having partly offset a 5% intraday decline following policy remarks from President Vladimir Putin and other Russian and European top officials. Futures and early trading suggest a continued rebound, though we note that global markets are highly volatile under rates and inflation concerns. Today's agenda is full of high-level political events, as well as Yandex's results.STORIES> Nova...

Andrey Gromadin ... (+7)
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Chernyshev
  • Cole Akeson
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Maria Martynova
  • Research Team
  • Sergey Donskoy

CIS Market Daily - 15 февраля 2022

КОММЕНТАРИЙ И ПРОГНОЗ - ИНДЕКС РТС ПОСЛЕ ПРОСАДКИ В ТЕЧЕНИЕ ДНЯ НА 5% СУМЕЛ ОТЧАСТИ КОМПЕНСИРОВАТЬ ПОТЕРИ БЛАГОДАРЯ ЗАЯВЛЕНИЯМ ПОЛИТИКОВ По итогам вчерашней сессии индекс РТС опустился на 3%, отчасти компенсировав пятипроцентное снижение в течение дня благодаря высказываниям президента России Владимира Путина, а также других российских и европейских политиков. Котировки фьючерсов и оптимистичное начало торгов указывают на сохранение восходящего тренда, однако отметим, что глобальные рынки сейча...

Novatek Q4 21 Earnings Preview - High prices and dividends from Yamal ...

Favourable hydrocarbon prices to drive Novateks Q4 21e financial results First dividends from Yamal LNG to maintain the companys cash flow in Q4 21e We estimate Q4 21e FCF at USD 715 mn Novatek will release Q4 21e IFRS results on February 16

Andrey Gromadin ... (+2)
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Konstantin Samarin

Oil and Gas - Strong 4Q21 Results Expected, 1Q22 Outlook Even Brighter

The 4Q21 earnings season is about to kick off starting with Rosneft on Friday, followed by Novatek (February 16) and Gazprom Neft (February 17) next week. Lukoil, Tatneft and Gazprom will report 4Q21 financials in March-April. We expect sector EBITDA to rise again, particularly in the gas segment amid record high European gas prices. Dividend distributions should rise across the sector as well. Based on our estimates for 4Q21, most of the companies should see their full-year financials bounce ba...

Raiffeisen Research Institutional Equity Daily 02.02.2022

 AT: Atrium - Announcement of the amount and payment dates of dividends based on adj. FFO (neutral)  AT: Palfinger - Contract of CFO Strohbichler extended until the end of 2027 (neutral)  AT: Raiffeisen Bank International - Q4 2021 consolidated net profit of EUR 317 mn 24% ahead of consensus / FY 22 guidance announced and proposed EUR 1.15 DPS from 2021  HU: MOL - January model refinery and petchem margins lower mom mainly due to higher gas prices (negative)  PL: AmRest - Development agree...

Anastasia Khakhaeva ... (+8)
  • Anastasia Khakhaeva
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Cole Akeson
  • Ekaterina Usanova
  • Fedor Kornachev
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Mikhail Krasnoperov
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - February 1, 2022

MARKET COMMENT - MARKETS MELTING UP; NEW US SANCTIONS BILL IMMINENTThe MSCI ACWI climbed 1.7% as global markets continued to climb on the last day of the month, with consumer discretionary and tech names in the lead. Easing US futures and a lack of fundamental drivers signal the global rally needs a new catalyst to push further. Russia melted up yesterday, the RTS climbing 2.0% to 1,435, while a new US sanctions bill and diplomatic headlines appear imminent today, as detailed below.STORIES> Luko...

Anastasia Khakhaeva ... (+9)
  • Anastasia Khakhaeva
  • Andrey Gromadin
  • Anton Chernyshev
  • Cole Akeson
  • Ekaterina Usanova
  • Fedor Kornachev
  • Konstantin Samarin
  • Mikhail Krasnoperov
  • Research Team

CIS Market Daily - 1 февраля 2022

КОММЕНТАРИЙ И ПРОГНОЗ - НАСТРОЙ НА РЫНКАХ УЛУЧШИЛСЯ, В США ОЖИДАЕТСЯ НОВЫЙ ЗАКОНОПРОЕКТ О САНКЦИЯХИндекс MSCI ACWI вчера прибавил 1,7%, глобальные рынки в последний день января продолжали расти, при этом больше всего поднялись котировки потребительских и высокотехнологичных компаний. Снижение фьючерсов на фондовые индексы США и нехватка фундаментальных драйверов свидетельствуют о том, что для продолжения ралли на глобальных рынках необходим новый катализатор. На российском рынке вчера настрой ул...

Raiffeisen Research Institutional Equity Daily 14.01.2022

 AT: Andritz - Andritz received order for cut-to-length line (neutral)  AT: AT&S - AT&S bookbuilding of hybrid: EUR 350 mn at 5% yield (neutral)  RO: BRD-GSG - BRD's Board proposed a cash dividend of RON 1,684 mn (DY 13%) as an exceptional payment (positive)  RU: ALROSA - December 21 diamond sales to be partially recognised in January 22 (neutral)  RU: Novatek - Preliminary operating data reveals close-to-estimates production figures for 2021 (neutral)

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