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Communiqué de presse : Sanofi en discussions pour céder une participat...

Communiqué de presse : Sanofi en discussions pour céder une participation majoritaire dans Opella Sanofi en discussions pour céder une participation majoritaire dans Opella Paris, 11 octobre 2024. Sanofi a annoncé aujourd'hui avoir entamé des négociations avec CD&R pour la cession potentielle d’une participation de contrôle de 50% dans Opella, son activité de santé grand public. Si les discussions devaient aboutir positivement, tout accord serait conclu après consultation des instances représentatives du personnel. D'autres informations sur la séparation potentielle d'Opella seront...


Press Release: Sanofi in discussions to sell a controlling stake in Op...

Press Release: Sanofi in discussions to sell a controlling stake in Opella Sanofi in discussions to sell a controlling stake in Opella Paris, October 11, 2024. Sanofi today announces that the company has entered into negotiations with CD&R for the potential sale of a 50% controlling stake in Opella, its consumer healthcare business. Should these discussions lead to a positive outcome, any agreement would be subject to the completion of the necessary social processes. Further updates on the potential separation of Opella will be provided in due course, when a decision is made. He...

Research Department
  • Research Department


COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: ACERINOX, IBERDROLA, NATURGY, SACYR, SECTOR ELÉCTRICO. EUROPA: AIRBUS, PREVIOS RESULTADOS 3T’24, SANOFI. Incluido en el informe diario de hoy, y durante toda la campaña de resultados, incorporamos al final una presentación con los resultados destacados en positivo y negativo y previews de Rdos. 3T’24 que se publicarán en España y Europa en los próximos días. El Ibex corta su racha Las ventas se impusieron en Europa, sobre todo en el Ibex, que acumu...

Research Department
  • Research Department


NEWS SUMMARY: ACERINOX, ELECTRICITY SECTOR, IBERDROLA, NATURGY, SACYR. The IBEX ends its streak Stock markets in Europe fell, especially the IBEX, which had seen gains in five straight sessions and closed yesterday as the worst performer in Europe. In the STOXX 600, most sectors (15/20) closed with losses, led by Industrials and Technology, with Energy and Insurance posting the biggest gains. In the euro zone, the ECB’s last meeting minutes warned that despite the fact that inflation has fallen...

Julian Dobrovolschi
  • Julian Dobrovolschi


Thanks to unit revenue that has proven more resilient than anticipated, real discipline on capacity and a decline in the fuel bill, we expect margins to recover, especially for the legacies. IAG remains our top pick. We are upgrading Air France-KLM and Lufthansa to Neutral and downgrading Ryanair to Underperform as well as WizzAir on Neutral. - ...

Julian Dobrovolschi
  • Julian Dobrovolschi


Grâce à une recette unitaire qui se tient mieux que prévu, une discipline capacitaire notable et une baisse de la facture carburant, nous anticipons un rebond des marges tout particulièrement pour les majors. IAG reste notre valeur préférée. Nous relevons Air France-KLM et Lufthansa à Neutre et abaissons Ryanair à Sous-performance ainsi que Wizz Air à Neutre. - ...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles

Airbus Group : 50 deliveries in September…and some hope of achieving t...

>50 deliveries in September…which leaves some hope for the achievement of the FY 2024 target - Airbus actually delivered 50 aircraft in September (-5 vs September 2023 and just +3 on a sequential basis), i.e. a shade above the 45 anticipated by Cirium, which leaves another 273 units to be delivered in Q4 alone if the group is to achieve its FY 2024 target of around 770 aircraft. In detail, 46 narrowbodies and just 4 long-haul aircrafts were delivered in September.§rch...

Research Department
  • Research Department


COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: REPSOL. EUROPA: AIRBUS, DEUTSCHE TELEKOM. Jornada de transición A excepción del Ibex que cerró plano, ganancias moderadas en Europa en otra jornada sin casi referencias macroeconómicas y sin novedades desde Medio Oriente. Así, en el STOXX 600, tan sólo Energía cerró con pérdidas, frente a las mayores ganancias de Tecnología y Autos. En EE.UU. las actas de la última reunión de la Fed reflejan bastante desacuerdo para recortar -50 p.b. y que será muy ...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles

Airbus Group : 50 livraisons en septembre… et un mince espoir d’attein...

>50 livraisons en septembre… qui laissent un peu d’espoir sur l’atteinte de l’objectif FY 24 - Airbus a finalement livré 50 appareils sur le mois de septembre (-5 vs septembre 2023 et seulement +3 en séquentiel), soit légèrement au-delà des 45 anticipés par Cirium, ce qui laisse un reste à livrer de 273 unités sur le seul T4 pour atteindre l’objectif FY24 d’environ 770 avions. Dans le détail, 46 monocouloirs et seulement 4 long-courriers ont été livrés en septembre.§r...


Press Release: New Beyfortus data featured at IDWeek reinforce real-wo...

Press Release: New Beyfortus data featured at IDWeek reinforce real-world effectiveness against RSV disease and hospitalization in infants   New Beyfortus data featured at IDWeek reinforce real-world effectiveness against RSV disease and hospitalization in infants Paris, October 9, 2024. Sanofi advances its ambition to protect all infants from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) disease with new Beyfortus (nirsevimab) data to be presented at the Infectious Disease Society of America’s IDWeek 2024 annual meeting in Los Angeles, California, from October 16-19, 2024. Thomas TriompheExecu...


Communiqué de presse : De nouvelles données sur le Beyfortus présentée...

Communiqué de presse : De nouvelles données sur le Beyfortus présentées à l’IDWeek confirment son efficacité en situation réelle contre les infections dues au VRS et le risque d’hospitalisation chez les nourrissons De nouvelles données sur le Beyfortus présentées à l’IDWeek confirment son efficacité en situation réelle contre les infections dues au VRS et le risque d’hospitalisation chez les nourrissons Paris, le 9 octobre 2024. Les nouvelles données sur le Beyfortus (nirsevimab), qui seront présentées à l’IDWeek 2024 – le Congrès annuel de l’Infectious Disease Society of America qui se ...

Research Department
  • Research Department


COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: ENAGÁS, IBERDROLA, SANTANDER, TALGO. La guerra Israel/Irán no da tregua y se suma la campaña de resultados El temor a una escalada de la tensión en Oriente Medio llevó a un fuerte repunte del petróleo y caídas en las principales bolsas europeas que no pudieron ser totalmente revertidas a pesar de los buenos datos macro en EE.UU. Dentro de los sectoriales del STOXX 600, Energía destacó como el mejor sector seguido por Recursos Básicos mientras que Au...

Research Department
  • Research Department


NEWS SUMMARY: ENAGÁS, IBERDROLA, SANTANDER, TALGO. The Israel-Iran war intensifies and joins the results season The fear of escalating tensions in the Middle East led to drops on the main European stock markets that were not fully reversed despite the good macroeconomic data released in the US and a sharp rise in oil prices. Within the STOXX 600 sectors, Energy stood out as the best performer, followed by Basic Materials, whereas Autos, Luxury and Travel & Leisure (dragged down by the geopoliti...

Sacyr S.A.: 2 directors

A director at Sacyr S.A. bought 615 shares at 3.250EUR and the significance rating of the trade was 50/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly showin...

Nicolas David
  • Nicolas David

ODDO : Iberian Forum – Day 2

We hosted our 4th ODDO BHF Iberian Forum on the 1st and 2nd of October 2024, virtually. In total, 63 companies were present. In the following note, we provide some initial feedback from the companies on day 2. - >ACS (=): good operating momentum maintained, Abertis and its dividends on the front page - Atresmedia (=): Q3 should be challenging but outlook reiterated - Befesa (=): zinc prices held up well, offsetting the negative impact of maintenance on Q3 volumes - CaixaBank ...

Nicolas David
  • Nicolas David

ODDO : Iberian Forum – Day 1

We host our 4th ODDO BHF Iberian Forum on the 1st and 2nd of October 2024 virtually. In total, 63 companies will be presenting. In the following note, we provide some initial feedback of the company on day 1. - >Acciona (=) : Confidence in Non-energy business steady, Acciona Energía stake sparks intense scrutiny - Acciona Energia (=/-) : A trajectory beyond 2024 to be explained at the 9 months results - Acerinox (=/-): Softness persists in Europe and US - Amadeus (=/+): sol...

Research Department
  • Research Department


COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: NATURGY. Aumenta el riesgo geopolítico en Oriente Medio Nuevas caídas en las bolsas europeas, esta vez por la mayor aversión al riesgo generada por el ataque con misiles de Irán contra Israel y el castigo a financieros por una senda más baja de tipos de interés esperada por el mercado. Con todo lo anterior, en el STOXX 600 los mejores sectores fueron Energía (gracias al rebote del Brent por la inestabilidad geopolítica) e Inmobiliario frente a Banco...

Research Department
  • Research Department


NEWS SUMMARY: NATURGY. Higher geopolitical risk in the Middle East European stock markets saw new corrections due to the higher risk aversion generated by Iran’s missile attack on Israel and the punishment to financial stocks due to the lower interest rate pattern expected by the market. Thus, in the STOXX 600, Energy (thanks to the rally of Brent crude due to the political instability) and Real Estate were the best-performing sectors whereas Banks and Consumer Goods dropped >-2.0%. On the macr...


Press Release: Dupixent approved in the US as the first-ever biologic ...

Press Release: Dupixent approved in the US as the first-ever biologic medicine for patients with COPD   Dupixent approved in the US as the first-ever biologic medicine for patients with COPD         Dupixent is indicated for the approximately 300,000 adults in the US with inadequately controlled COPD and an eosinophilic phenotype Following recent approvals in the EU and China, the US approval is based on two landmark phase 3 studies that showed Dupixent achieved significant reduction in exacerbations, and also showed improvements in lung function and health-related quality of life comp...


Communiqué de presse : Dupixent est le premier médicament biologique a...

Communiqué de presse : Dupixent est le premier médicament biologique approuvé aux États-Unis pour le traitement de la BPCO     Dupixent est le premier médicament biologique approuvé aux États-Unis pour le traitement de la BPCO Dupixent est indiqué à environ 300 000 adultes aux États-Unis présentant une BPCO inadéquatement contrôlée et un phénotype éosinophilique.  L’approbation de ce médicament aux États-Unis fait suite à celle de l’Union européenne et de la Chine et repose sur deux études phares de phase III ayant montré que le Dupixent a permis de réduire significativement les exac...

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