Expert Corporate Governance Service (ECGS)
EUR 500.00 For Business Accounts Only

Accor - AGM 30 April 2019

ITEMS 17 and 18: the company is one of the few CAC 40 companies that does not
disclose individual achievement rates of annual bonus financial criteria. Such a poor
disclosure does not allow to perfectly understand amounts granted and, despite
acceptable amounts, we do not support items 17 and 18.

ITEM 19: in its 2019 remuneration policy, the company proposes a significant change:
the introduction of a LTI cap at 200% of the fixed remuneration. In the previous
remuneration policy, such a cap was not indicated. Therefore, this change is very
welcome. Not only it caps LTI to €1.9 M (vs €6.5 M previously) but it also caps the total
remuneration to €4.7 M (vs €9.32 M previously). Thus, we support the new remuneration

Accor SA


Founded in 1995, Proxinvest is an independent proxy firm supporting the engagement and proxy analysis processes of investors. Proxinvest mission is to analyse corporate governance practices and resolutions proposed at general meetings of listed firms.

Proxinvest main services are :

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  • Definition and monitoring of client customized voting guidelines
  • Corporate Governance Data and Rating
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Proxinvest has been a pioneer and champion of good corporate governance and has grown into a recognised expert in the field.

Proxinvest is independently-owned and only works for investors : Proxinvest does not provide consulting services to the companies it covers, mitigating related risks to its clients and ensuring the independence of our analysis. As a result Proxinvest is able to take a robust, independent, engaged and unconflicted view of the companies in which our clients invest.

As Managing Partner of Expert Corprate Governance Service Ltd (ECGS), Proxinvest has built a large network of corporate governance experts to support clients in corporate governance analysis worldwide. 

Expert Corporate Governance Service (ECGS)

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