Jehanne Leroy
EUR 500.00 For Business Accounts Only

MND Group - Proxy report-27/09/2018

Proxinvest attire l'attention des actionnaires sur plusieurs points.

Tout d'abord la composition du conseil d'administration ne respecte pas les préconisations de Proxinvest. Ainsi d'après les informations actuelles, le conseil ne comporte qu'un seul membre libre de conflits d'intérêts. Ainsi le taux d'indépendance ne représente que 20% ce qui est bien en dessous de notre seuil de 50%.

Ensuite le manque de transparence sur la politique de rémunération des dirigeants ne permet pas aux actionnaires d'apprécier les montants en jeu. Ainsi les résolutions 5 et 6 connaitront une recommandation négative.

Enfin les commissaires aux comptes émettent des réserves concernant les comptes consolidés. Ainsi ces derniers estiment que le chiffre d'affaires et le résultat net ont été surévalués. Du fait de ses réserves, Proxinvest s'opposera à l'approbation des comptes consolidés.

Montagne et Neige Developpement SACA

Montagne et Neige Developpement SAS. Montagne et Neige Developpement SA is a France-based company that helps customers develop, equip and protect their infrastructures at high altitudes, such as ski areas, mountain resorts, highways and mining sites. It is active in the field of mountain infrastructure and a low-impact and alternative mode of urban transport. The Company operates in three main sectors: Mountain, Cableway Urban Transport and Process. The Mountain sector includes safety, leisure, snowmaking and ski lifts; the Cableway Urban Transport include cable-mounted urban transport system designed to fit into urban and peri-urban environments; Process segment is engaged in the production and warehousing activities of the Company.


Founded in 1995, Proxinvest is an independent proxy firm supporting the engagement and proxy analysis processes of investors. Proxinvest mission is to analyse corporate governance practices and resolutions proposed at general meetings of listed firms.

Proxinvest main services are :

  • ​Proxy reports
  • Definition and monitoring of client customized voting guidelines
  • Corporate Governance Data and Rating
  • Thematic research
  • Engagement support

Proxinvest has been a pioneer and champion of good corporate governance and has grown into a recognised expert in the field.

Proxinvest is independently-owned and only works for investors : Proxinvest does not provide consulting services to the companies it covers, mitigating related risks to its clients and ensuring the independence of our analysis. As a result Proxinvest is able to take a robust, independent, engaged and unconflicted view of the companies in which our clients invest.

As Managing Partner of Expert Corprate Governance Service Ltd (ECGS), Proxinvest has built a large network of corporate governance experts to support clients in corporate governance analysis worldwide. 

Jehanne Leroy

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