4Q'24 vs. 4Q'23 Results Sales: € 3.048 Bn (-14.1% vs. -16.8% BS(e) and -11.3% consensus); EBITDA: € 1.05 Bn (-18.3% vs. -20.6% BS(e) and -16.0% consensus); EBIT: € 699.0 M (-23.9%); Net Profit: € 357.0 M (-31.9% vs. -42.6% BS(e) and -40.8% consensus);
Rdos. 4T'24 vs 4T'23: Ventas: 3.048 M euros (-14,1% vs -16,8% BS(e) y -11,3% consenso); EBITDA: 1.050 M euros (-18,3% vs -20,6% BS(e) y -16,0% consenso); EBIT: 699,0 M euros (-23,9%); BDI: 357,0 M euros (-31,9% vs -42,6% BS(e) y -40,8% consenso);
NEWS SUMMARY: ACERINOX, ACCIONA, ACCIONA ENERGÍA, ACS, AMADEUS, COLONIAL, ENCE, FERROVIAL, GRIFOLS, MELIÁ HOTELES, MERLIN PROPERTIES, PUIG BRANDS, REPSOL, SACYR, VISCOFAN. At the end of today’s report, and during the entire results season, we will include a presentation with positive and negative results highlights and previews for the 4Q’24 results to be released over the coming days in Spain. Losses in Europe Despite many companies releasing their 4Q’24 results yesterday, the session was mar...
COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: ACERINOX, ACCIONA, ACCIONA ENERGÍA, ACS, AMADEUS, COLONIAL, ENCE, FERROVIAL, GRIFOLS, MELIÁ HOTELES, MERLIN PROPERTIES, PUIG BRANDS, REPSOL, SACYR, VIDRALA, VISCOFAN. EUROPA: ALLIANZ, BASF, ENI. Incluido en el informe diario de hoy, y durante toda la campaña de resultados, incorporamos al final una presentación con los resultados destacados en positivo y negativo y previews de Rdos. 4T’24 que se publicarán en España y Europa en los próximos días. P...
INDONESIA Update Mayora Indah (MYOR IJ/HOLD/Rp2,500/Target: Rp2,300) Margins will still be negatively affected in 4Q24 and 1H25. MALAYSIA Sector Oil & Gas PAO aligns with our view on cuts in exploration/JU rig demand, but maintenance demand remains intact. Plant turnaround may be the biggest winner, but with high execution risks in 2Q25, 2Q26 and 1Q27. SINGAPORE Sector REITs ...
Hay mimbres para retomar alzas en bolsa. Mantenemos SOBREPONDERAR en IBE, ANA, ANE, ENER. Cambiamos SLR a INFRAPONDERAR. Durante 2024 el sector ha continuado lastrado en bolsa (-20% el S&P Global Clean Energy Index, vs +20% el Ibex y el S&P Global) y cotiza a múltiplos deprimidos (16x). Gran parte de las incertidumbres han pasado a ser vientos de cola en 2024: (i) mejora de la demanda de electricidad, (ii) rebaja de los costes de instalación y (iii) la evolución a la baja de los tipos de interé...
Comme prévu, les actions américaines ont salué la victoire de Donald Trump tandis que les bourses européennes accusaient le coup, également lestées deux jours plus tard par une nouvelle déception sur le plan de relance chinois. Nos stratégies sectorielles et paniers de valeurs Trump (long ou short) ont fonctionné, avec quelques exceptions qui peuvent être des opportunités d’investissement, à l’instar de Total Energies ou Repsol. En Europe, nous conservons notre opinion Sous-pondérer s...
As expected, US equities welcomed Donald Trump's victory, while European stock markets reacted negatively, also weighed down two days later by a further disappointment on China's stimulus plan. Our sector strategies and baskets of Trump stocks (long or short) have paid off, with a few exceptions that may provide investment opportunities, like Total Energies or Repsol. In Europe, we are maintaining our Underweight recommendation on the Basic Resources, Chemicals, Luxury Goods and Autom...
As expected, US equities welcomed Donald Trump's victory, while European stock markets reacted negatively, also weighed down two days later by a further disappointment on China's stimulus plan. Our sector strategies and baskets of Trump stocks (long or short) have paid off, with a few exceptions that may provide investment opportunities, like Total Energies or Repsol. In Europe, we are maintaining our Underweight recommendation on the Basic Resources, Chemicals, Luxury Goods and Autom...
Comme prévu, les actions américaines ont salué la victoire de Donald Trump tandis que les bourses européennes accusaient le coup, également lestées deux jours plus tard par une nouvelle déception sur le plan de relance chinois. Nos stratégies sectorielles et paniers de valeurs Trump (long ou short) ont fonctionné, avec quelques exceptions qui peuvent être des opportunités d’investissement, à l’instar de Total Energies ou Repsol. En Europe, nous conservons notre opinion Sous-pondérer s...
>A deal on hydroelectric assets in Spain - Acciona Energia has announced the signature of an agreement with Endesa for the divestment of 100% of the capital of its subsidiary Corporación Acciona Hidráulica (CAH) for an enterprise value of € 1bn. This transaction is debt exempt and will generate a capital gain estimated at € 620m for Acciona Energia. The deal is expected to close in the first half of 2025, following approval from the anti-trust authorities and the nec...
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