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Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles
Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles
Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles

ODDO : Defence Europe: a new growth era or a new paradigm?

The wake-up call of the Munich summit will force European countries to assume full responsibility for their own defence. For the groups in our coverage, this should lead to a 2024-2030e CAGR for the addressable market of 31.5% (baseline scenario) vs 10.5% previously as well as a financial support that should help to improve FCF. We have revised the target prices of defence stocks upward by an average of 42% and think that additional upside of 20% is within reach. Hensoldt upgraded to Outperform ...

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles

ODDO : Défense Europe : une nouvelle ère de croissance ou un nouveau p...

Le wake up call de la conférence de Munich va forcer les pays européens à assumer seuls leur défense. Pour notre couverture, cela se traduira par un TMVA 2024-30 du marché adressable de 31.5% (base case) vs 10.5% précédemment ainsi qu’un support financier qui améliorera le FCF. Nous relevons de 42% en moyenne les OC des valeurs exposées Défense et pensons qu’une appréciation des cours de 20% supplémentaire est à portée de main. Hensoldt relevé à Surperformance et BAE Systems abaissé à Sous-perfo...

Safran S.A.: 1 director

A director at Safran S.A. sold 1,251 shares at 253.300EUR and the significance rating of the trade was 73/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly sho...

Alvaro del Pozo
  • Alvaro del Pozo


Rdos. 2024 vs 2023: Ventas: 27.317 M euros (+17,8% vs +16,7% BS(e) y +17,1% consenso); EBIT: 4.119 M euros (+30,1% vs +28,6% BS(e) y +30,0% consenso); BDI: 3.068 M euros (+51,3% vs +47,1% BS(e) y +48,0% consenso).

Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles
Olfa Taamallah ... (+2)
  • Olfa Taamallah
  • Yan Derocles
Research Department
  • Research Department


COMPAÑÍAS QUE APARECEN EN EL INFORME: ESPAÑA: FERROVIAL, GRUPO CATALANA OCCIDENTE. EUROPA: SAFRAN, SECTOR AUTOS. Incluido en el informe diario de hoy, y durante toda la campaña de resultados, incorporamos al final una presentación con los resultados destacados en positivo y negativo y previews de Rdos. 4T’24 que se publicarán en España y Europa en los próximos días. Fin de la guerra en Ucrania? La renta variable europea prolongó su racha alcista una jornada más impulsada por las expectativas...

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