Moody's Ratings (Moody's) today upgraded 3i Group plc's ("3i" or "the Group")'s issuer rating and senior unsecured ratings to A3 from Baa1. The outlook remains stable. RATINGS RATIONALE The rating upgrade reflects 3i's continuous portfolio value creation and its proven track record of investment...
A director at 3i Group bought 16,000 shares at 3,269p and the significance rating of the trade was 100/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly showin...
MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE 1Moody's Ratings, NH투자증권의 ‘A3’ 선순위 무담보 채권등급 재확인; 전망 ‘안정적’ 2024 년 9 월 20 일、 홍콩 、 한국어 보고서는 영문 보고서의 번역본입니다. 한국어와 영문 보고서 간에 상이한 점이 있을 경우 영어 원문이 우선합니다.금일 Moody’s Ratings(Moody’s)는 NH투자증권의 ‘A3’ 장기 외화표시 선순위 무담보 채권등급과 ‘A3’/’P-2’ 장기 및 단기 외화표시 기업신용등급(issuer rating)을 재확인하고 전망을 ‘안정적’으로...
Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has today affirmed NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd's (NH I&S) A3 long-term foreign currency senior unsecured debt rating and A3/P-2 long-term and short-term foreign currency issuer ratings, and maintained the stable entity-level outlook. RATINGS RATIONALE The affirm...
GREATER CHINA Sector Automobile Weekly: PEV sales down 4% yoy but up 8% wow during 8-14 July, in line. Maintain MARKET WEIGHT. Top BUYs: Geely, CATL and Tuopu. Top SELL: XPeng. INDONESIA Update Telkom Indonesia (TLKM IJ/BUY/Rp3,250/Target: Rp4,200) 2024 fixed broadband revenue to see moderate growth of 8% yoy; maintain BUY. MALAYSIA Results Alpha IVF (ALPHA MK/BUY/RM0.32/Target: RM0.40) ...
For Apr 24, our Alpha Picks portfolio rose 0.4% mom on an equal-weighted basis, underperforming the STI slightly by 1.7ppt. It was a mixed performance from our portfolio with the top performers being MPM, BAL and CD while FRKN, LREIT and ST underperformed. Our Alpha Picks portfolio has outperformed the STI in three out of the past four months. For May 24, we add FEHT, MPACT, GENS; remove BAL, LREIT and CLAS.
Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has affirmed 3i Group plc's (3i)'s Baa1 issuer rating and the Baa1 senior unsecured ratings. The outlook remains stable. RATINGS RATIONALE The affirmation of 3i's ratings reflects its conservative balance sheet and prudent liquidity management, low leverage, and proven ...
MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE 1무디스, NH투자증권의 ‘A3’ 선순위 무담보 채권등급 재확인; 전망 ‘안정적’ 2023 년 11 월 6 일、 홍콩 、 한국어 보도자료는 영문 보도자료의 번역본입니다. 한국어와 영문 보도자료 간에 상이한 점이 있을 경우 영어 원문이 우선합니다.금일 무디스는 NH투자증권의 ‘A3’ 장기 외화표시 선순위 무담보 채권등급과 ‘A3’/’P-2’ 장기 및 단기 외화표시 기업신용등급(issuer rating)을 재확인하고 전망을 ‘안정적’으로 유지하였다.신용등급 결정근거NH투자증권의 신용등급을...
Moody's Investors Service has today affirmed NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd (NH I&S)'s A3 long-term foreign currency senior unsecured debt rating and A3/P-2 long-term and short-term foreign currency issuer ratings, and maintained the stable entity-level outlook. RATINGS RATIONALE The affirm...
18 months after many Japanese mid-sized enterprise software stocks were sold off, many remain more than 50% lower than their peaks. And yet, these companies continue to grow strong sales. In this report, we take a look at 11 of these companies and at the extent to which their operating performances are reflected in their current valuations.
Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) has assigned a Baa1 rating to 3i Group plc's (3i) proposed new €500 million senior unsecured notes. All existing ratings of 3i remain unaffected. The rating of the new notes is in line with the Baa1 issuer rating on 3i Group plc. The outlook is stable. RATINGS R...
Oakley Capital Investments - CMD highlights wider portfolio opportunitiesBioPharma Credit - $137.5m loan at 3M SOFR + 7.5%3i Group - Strong results for 2023 and another 9.2% increase in dividendsBluefield Solar Income Fund - Power curve update and construction behind 2.3% NAV decline in Q1
3i Group - Strong NAV growth due to excellent results at Action investmentJLEN Environmental Assets - First hydrogen project announcedHydrogenOne Capital Growth - First investment in green hydrogen projectBattery Storage - Positive read-across from SMSRound Hill Music Royalty Fund - Royalty income pushes NAV up 11.3% YoYGCP Asset Backed Income Funding - Further devaluation of Co-Living Group loan and additional asset put on watchlist
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