Jerome Lieury

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Societe de la Tour Eiffel SA

Societe de la Tour Eiffel is a player in the commercial real estate market, specializing in leasing and managing commercial properties in France. Co.'s portfolio breaks down into five components: Offices, Parcs Eiffel located in the Paris area and the regions, Warehouses (principally Post Office Sorting centers) on long leases, Light Industrial Premises in the Paris suburb and regions, and Nursing homes in the south of France leased long-term to an operator. Co. primarily focuses its activities around its investment policy, valuation of group land reserves, business parks, non-business park development, change in value of property assets, business activity, and its divestment policy.

Olier E&R
Olier E&R

​Based in Paris, France, Olier Etudes & Recherche is an equity research company focusing on French small-caps. Olier E&R is committed to writing in-depth research and analysing listed companies' fundamentals in a medium/long term view. Its mission is to provide research to stock-pickers and long-only portfolio managers.

Jerome Lieury

Jérôme Lieury - Analyste Financier - Membre de la Société Française des Analystes Financiers et diplômé du Centre de Formation - Certification AMF - Membre du Cercle des Analystes Indépendants. Entré dans la finance en 1987 comme négociateur sur le marché obligataire, a acquis depuis une expérience d'une vingtaine d'années en tant qu'analyste Actions "sell side" et "buy side", et en tant que gérant de portefeuilles dans des banques de gestion privée. Ecrit à présent avant tout sur les PME-ETI cotées. Secteurs de prédilection : valeurs technologiques, sociétés immobilières.

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