Summit™ Math, a curriculum of adaptive online math courses from Fuel Education® (FuelEd®), and Stride™, FuelEd’s supplemental learning solution for skills practice for students in PreK–8 grade, were both selected as winners in The ComputED Gazette’s 24th Annual Best Educational Software Awards (BESSIES). Summit Math won a BESSIE in the High School: Math Website category and Stride won in the Teacher Tools: Adaptive Learning Tool category.
The Summit Math curriculum, which is compatible with desktops, laptops, and tablets, has 6th-8th grade math course offerings, as well as Algebra 1 (+Honors), Geometry (+Honors), and Algebra 2 (+Honors) courses. Each course includes videos at the start of each lesson to demonstrate how the mathematical concept relates to real life, interactive practice and review to provide students with immediate feedback, and extra enrichment activities for students who want to learn more. The courses have an adaptive question engine that adjusts the difficulty of questions based on strengths and weaknesses to provide a personalized learning experience. The curriculum also provides teachers with access to student progress data to help determine which students need intervention and where, thus supporting their unique needs.
“These next generation Summit Math courses were developed as part of a digital-first curriculum for schools that want to engage and personalize learning for each student and empower teachers with powerful instructional materials,” said Sean P. Ryan, General Manager of Fuel Education.
Stride is a mobile supplemental learning tool that inspires students to practice concepts in math, language arts, reading, and science through gaming "brain breaks" and rewards. To learn new concepts and skills, students choose from a variety of engaging direct instruction activities, which allow students to personalize and take ownership of their learning experience. Additionally, built-in assessments and the adaptive question engine help identify where students may need more support. Real-time data and in-depth reports help teachers track student performance and provide details that let them know precisely where students need interventions.
While evaluating Stride, the BESSIES judges agreed that “adaptive learning technology has made huge strides over the last few years, and Fuel Education's Stride is a masterful example of what has been achieved.” The judges also said Stride “is a powerful (and fun!) online curriculum delivery system which can be accessed by students on nearly all popular devices with Internet access,” it is “useful for any environment (classroom, homeschooling, standardized testing, etc.),” and it “provides dynamic and engaging content as well as a spirit of community and competition.”
Stride was also a finalist in the 2018 EdTech Digest Awards in the Cool Tool: Adaptive Technology Solution category. The EdTech Digest Awards highlight the dauntless, dedicated, and determined innovators, leaders, and trendsetters in the education industry.
To learn more about Stride, visit fueleducation.com/stride. To learn more about Summit Math, visit: fueleducation.com/Summit-Curriculum.
About Fuel Education
Fuel Education® partners with school districts to fuel personalized learning and transform the education experience inside and outside the classroom. The company provides innovative solutions for pre-K through 12th grade that empower districts to implement successful online and blended learning programs. Its open, easy-to-use Personalized Learning Platform, PEAK™, enables teachers to customize courses using their own content, FuelEd courses and titles, third-party content, and open educational resources. Fuel Education serves more than 2,000 school districts, offering one of the industry’s largest catalogs of K–12 digital curriculum, certified instruction, professional development, and educational services. To learn more, visit fueleducation.com and Twitter.
©2018 Fuel Education LLC. All rights reserved. Fuel Education, FuelEd, Summit, and Stride are trademarks of Fuel Education LLC or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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