MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE 1Moody's Ratings, NH투자증권의 ‘A3’ 선순위 무담보 채권등급 재확인; 전망 ‘안정적’ 2024 년 9 월 20 일、 홍콩 、 한국어 보고서는 영문 보고서의 번역본입니다. 한국어와 영문 보고서 간에 상이한 점이 있을 경우 영어 원문이 우선합니다.금일 Moody’s Ratings(Moody’s)는 NH투자증권의 ‘A3’ 장기 외화표시 선순위 무담보 채권등급과 ‘A3’/’P-2’ 장기 및 단기 외화표시 기업신용등급(issuer rating)을 재확인하고 전망을 ‘안정적’으로...
Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has today affirmed NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd's (NH I&S) A3 long-term foreign currency senior unsecured debt rating and A3/P-2 long-term and short-term foreign currency issuer ratings, and maintained the stable entity-level outlook. RATINGS RATIONALE The affirm...
MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE 1무디스, NH투자증권의 ‘A3’ 선순위 무담보 채권등급 재확인; 전망 ‘안정적’ 2023 년 11 월 6 일、 홍콩 、 한국어 보도자료는 영문 보도자료의 번역본입니다. 한국어와 영문 보도자료 간에 상이한 점이 있을 경우 영어 원문이 우선합니다.금일 무디스는 NH투자증권의 ‘A3’ 장기 외화표시 선순위 무담보 채권등급과 ‘A3’/’P-2’ 장기 및 단기 외화표시 기업신용등급(issuer rating)을 재확인하고 전망을 ‘안정적’으로 유지하였다.신용등급 결정근거NH투자증권의 신용등급을...
Moody's Investors Service has today affirmed NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd (NH I&S)'s A3 long-term foreign currency senior unsecured debt rating and A3/P-2 long-term and short-term foreign currency issuer ratings, and maintained the stable entity-level outlook. RATINGS RATIONALE The affirm...
Moody's Investors Service has assigned a foreign currency senior unsecured debt rating of A3 to the proposed USD notes to be issued by NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd (NH I&S). The outlook on NH I&S is stable. NH I&S will use the proceeds from the proposed issuance for general corporate purpos...
Gil Won JoAnalystFinancial Institutions GroupMoody's Investors Service HongKong Ltd.24F One Pacific Pl.88 Queensway Hong KongJOURNALISTS 852-3758-1350Client Service 852-3551-3077Sophia LeeAssociate Managing DirectorFinancial Institutions GroupMoody's Investors Service HongKong Ltd.24F One Pacific Pl...
NH INVESTMENT & SECS. (KR), a company active in the Investment Services industry, improves its market behaviour and slightly increases its general evaluation. The independent financial analyst theScreener just upgraded the stock market behaviour as defensive. At a fundamental level, theScreener confirms 1 out of 4 possible stars; the general evaluation is slightly increased to Neutral but the title remains under pressure. As of the analysis date March 4, 2022, the closing price was KRW 11,750.00...
Rating Action: Moody's assigns A3 rating to NH Investment& Securities' proposed USD senior unsecured debt. Global Credit Research- 23 Sep 2021. Hong Kong, September 23, 2021-- Moody's Investors Service has assigned an A3 foreign currency senior unsecured debt rating to the proposed USD bonds to be issued by NH Investment& Securities Co., Ltd.
Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of NH Investment& Securities Co., Ltd. Global Credit Research- 02 Sep 2021. Hong Kong, September 02, 2021-- Moody's Investors Service has completed a periodic review of the ratings of NH Investment& Securities Co., Ltd. and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit.
Full Article at IIR has reaffirmed its Recommended rating for PIA after undertaking a review post the appointment of a new Portfolio Manager, Harding Loevner. The full report can be found on the IIR website. On 26 July 2021, Pengana International Equities Limited (PIA) announced a fully franked dividend of 1.35 cents per share for the June quarter. This represents an 8% increase on the March quarter dividend and takes the total dividends declared for FY21 of 5.1 cents per share, fully franked....
Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of NH Investment& Securities Co., Ltd. Global Credit Research- 29 Sep 2020. Hong Kong, September 29, 2020-- Moody's Investors Service has completed a periodic review of the ratings of NH Investment& Securities Co., Ltd and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit.
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